How to choose the best winter-hardy blackberry varieties for the Urals, Siberia, Moscow Region and the middle zone: Proven varieties of large-fruited and fruitful blackberries


Today, breeders have bred a lot of zoned blackberry varieties that take root without problems in the Russian climate. Among them are large-fruited varieties, especially winter-hardy and drought-resistant. Which variety to plant in the country depends on personal preference.

Varieties of the best blackberry for the Urals and the north of the country

A feature of the northern varieties is good winter hardiness and the ability to withstand sharp temperature fluctuations in the early spring. Introducing several proven varieties for the northern latitudes:

• "Eldorado";

• "Snyder";

• "Gazda".

Grade "Eldorado" gives good harvests, is famous for early and friendly ripening of berries. The taste of blackberry is good, it does not cause complaints. The bushes are erect, the shoots are covered with small, rare spikes. Winter hardiness is high, however, it will not hurt to cover the plantings with snow. The bush propagates by basal offspring.

Hardy Snyder differs in resistance to fungal diseases. The bushes are erect, tall, early in fruiting, not picky about the soil composition. Shoots are flogged with large sharp spikes, tolerate winter well. Snyder berries are small but tasty. Productivity is good.

Blackberry "Gazda" belongs to non-studded varieties, although on its shoots there are small rare spikes. Productivity is good if you plant the plant in a sunny area. The berries are large, rounded, fairly elastic, sweet and sour taste. Their transportability is high.

Blackberry in the Moscow Region: which grade is better to choose?

Unpretentious varieties that grow well in the conditions of the Moscow Region include:

• "Apaches";

• "Natchez";

• "Karaka Black".

Beshipny grade "Apache" tolerates frosts well up to -20 ° C, but does not withstand drought. In the conditions of the summer months near Moscow, it must be shaded and watered abundantly. The bushes are erect, begin to bear fruit in mid-June, the last crop is removed at the end of July. The berries are elongated, large, black. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant.

Early ripe grade "Natchez" known for its purchased fruits, which reach 4 cm in length. Berries of dessert taste, fragrant, transportable. Bushes with rejected shoots, tall. The winter hardiness of the variety is medium, in severe winters the shoots are removed from the supports and laid in trenches, additionally insulated.

A novelty among blackberries is considered grade "Karaka Black". This is an ultra-early variety that bears fruit from early spring to the very frosts. Elongated berries, very large, their weight is at least 20 grams. Taste good, blackberry juicy, sweet, transportable. Blackberry weighs long on branches, does not crumble, suitable for sale.

The bushes are compact, deflected shoots, almost without thorns. The plant tolerates drought well, but in winter it needs reliable shelter.

What blackberry is better taking root in the south of the country: the best varieties, features of growing

In the south of Russia, uncooked blackberry varieties are grown that tolerate heat well. Breeders have bred several adapted varieties of delicious berries:

• "Columbia Star";

• "Jumbo";

• "Chief Joseph."

Grade "Columbia Star" was bred for industrial cultivation, the berries are transportable, with a good appearance. The variety is suitable for fresh consumption, processing. Productivity is high, at least 7 kg of blackberry is collected from the bush. The berries are large, juicy, regular conical shape, elongated, burgundy red. Fruiting is undulating, during the season the crop is removed at least seven times.

The winter hardiness of the variety is satisfactory, the plant tolerates a decrease in temperature well to -25 ° C, in the south it hibernates without shelter. The blackberry is drought tolerant and does not require frequent watering.

Grade "Jumbo" bred in France. This is a new mid-season hybrid of a shipless blackberry with delicious berries. Shrub semi-growing, highly resistant to drought, but tolerates frosts poorly. Stretched fruiting ends in mid-September. Berries of medium size with a high sugar content.

American blackberry variety "Chief Joseph" early ripening is considered the most productive for the southern latitudes. Bushes are high-yielding, one can collect at least 35 kg of berries. Fruiting begins in mid-June, the berries ripen together. Peak fertility occurs in 3-4 years of cultivation.

The bushes are powerful, the shoots are half-spreading with numerous branches, without thorns, and there are few root shoots. The plant tolerates drought and cold snap well.

The berries are beautiful, large, retain their presentation for a long time. The taste of blackberries depends on weather conditions. If the summer turned out to be rainy, then sourness is present in the taste. In hot summer, the berries are sweeter.

The best universal blackberry varieties for all climates

There are old proven varieties and breeding novelties that can be grown in any climate. Here are some of them:

• Thornfrey;

• "Agavam";

• Amara.

Proven over the years grade "Thornfrey" matures early. This is an industrial variety of blackberries, which is characterized by high productivity, unpretentiousness and excellent winter hardiness. Planting material takes root quickly, begins to bear fruit early. At least 22 kg of berries are collected from the bush, which ripen together. Fruiting can be simultaneous or extended. Ripening of fruits can be at different times, it is affected by lighting and heat.

Berries of the correct conical shape, dark purple, large. The taste of berries is constantly changing, depending on the degree of ripeness of the fruit. At first, sourness prevails in the taste, after which the berry becomes sweet.

Grade "Agaveam" It is considered the most winter-hardy; in the south of the country it winters without shelter. The bush is medium-late ripening, powerful, well developed, shoots practically without thorns, which facilitates pruning.

Fruiting is plentiful and stable for 15 years. Berries of medium size ripen by the end of summer. Transported with difficulty, stored fresh for a short time. Suitable for all types of processing. Average productivity from 5 to 15 kg per bush.

The variety is resistant to drought, but in the absence of good watering, the berry grows smaller. The shrub is not afraid of soil moisture, shading, resistant to various diseases, including stem cancer and rust.

Repair blackberry "Amara" completely spiked. Bushes are powerful, tall, give a decent harvest for many years. The berries are large, juicy, ripen by the end of September. The variety is easy to maintain, suitable for beginner gardeners, unpretentious and hardy. Universal berry, suitable for all types of processing.


Watch the video: Growing Soft Fruits for Beginners (June 2024).