What is the dream of the apartment - your own or someone else's? The main interpretations of different dream books - what is the dream of the apartment


In a dream you can get to the most unusual places. You may be on another continent, in another country.

Why is the apartment dreaming? How to interpret the dream in which you ended up in a strange apartment?

What is the dream of the apartment - the main interpretation

We all enjoy being at home, relaxing, spending time with family and loved ones. But, they do not always come to us in a dream. Sometimes in a dream we can see completely strangers who have nothing to do with us. We can be in a dream in places where we have never been before.

How is it to interpret the dream in which we ended up in an unknown apartment? Is it worth it to worry about? It is important to consider the following details of sleep:

• In which apartment did you find yourself;

• How did you end up in it;

• Do you feel comfortable in it;

• Are you looking for a way out of the apartment, or is it enough for you that you are in it;

• Who else is in the apartment;

• What emotions and experiences overcome you.

If in a dream you are in an apartment that is filled with lights and light - your life will be filled with completely different colors, you will begin to look at things much easier, stop looking for flaws in yourself and in others.

If the apartment is dark in a dream, it is scary and cold to be in it - your feelings for someone will cool, and you will begin to look for an outlet in another person. You will look for returns in another person, you will try to figure out whether you are needed by anyone at all, or if you already have enough.

If the apartment is abandoned in a dream and you are uncomfortable in it - it means that in your life there are times that you want to escape from, which you simply want to hide from. But the dream book advises you to always face the truth and not stop there, do not worry about the past so that it does not affect your future.

If you dream that someone brought you to an abandoned apartment, although he promised to bring you to a new residential place - take a look at this person. Perhaps he doesn’t agree much on you, perhaps you won’t be able to agree with him on an important matter on which your reputation will depend. Try to find a compromise on this issue and not be disappointed in anyone beforehand. It is also important to feel other people so subtly that you can talk heart to heart with them at any time.

If you dream that someone is knocking on your door and you want to see who it is and understand that you are in someone else's apartment - do not delve into someone else's life more than your own, do not invest more energy in solving other people's issues. Try to prioritize so that no one is deprived. If you rely only on yourself - you cannot achieve what you want, if you constantly rely on others - you can control your life and will be offended by the fact that someone has become better than you in some business.

What is the dream of the apartment where the mouse got This is a very bad sign. So all your undertakings and all your desires and efforts will be depreciated. You will not be able to customize your life so as to get the most out of it. You will increasingly look for the causes of your difficulties in other people, not realizing that you yourself are to blame. Try not to let the enemies denigrate your good name after such a dream. You are interfering strongly with someone, since such problems have begun in your life, since you can’t restore justice and even out relations with enemies in any way.

If you dream of an apartment in which a huge number of cockroaches - look at your lifestyle. Perhaps you spend too much time on trifles and in no way relate to more complex things. No way seriously. If you dream that you are building a house for yourself, but end up in an apartment, your dreams will be too different from reality. You will come up with what is so convenient and you will believe in it. We can talk about relationships, we can talk about some important communication, which should bring you pleasure, but you just can not understand what it will lead to.

If you dream that a black cat is walking around your apartment - this is a very positive signal. So in life you can avoid major troubles, because of which your reputation could suffer. Do not look for the extreme and the guilty. Just accept the fact that everything will turn out perfectly for you and you will be able to more actively engage in your inner world, you will be able to leave troubles and problems behind.

If you dream that someone is knocking on the apartment door, but nails are on the doorstep, they will bother you. You will be disturbed in all endeavors and in all decisions. Do not take risks, do not build unstable castles and hopes. Better calculate your time so that you have enough time to achieve your goals. Otherwise, you will have to build castles in the air all the time and dream, and not reach the goal.

Making repairs in the apartment is a new opportunity in life. You yourself strive to change everything and absolutely correctly do it, perhaps this is your last option of active actions and then you will have to rest for a long time, to be in someone’s shadow. To prevent this from happening - now change everything for the better, change yourself in the direction of development, try to justify all the desires and hopes of other people, but do not forget about your own.

Why dream of an apartment according to Freud's dream book

In Freud’s dream book, it says that you dream of an apartment when you need peace and protection, when you need to be constantly prepared for the fact that changes will soon occur in your life. If you have a partner, but in a dream you walk around the apartment alone - you will temporarily part with it.

You may want to relax, you may want to reconsider your attitude to everything that happens in your life and after that you will already establish such relations that would suit both of you.

If you dream that someone is trying to get into the apartment - your life is interesting to many. You try to maintain an equal relationship with many, but you do not always succeed. Try to be more loyal to yourself and your desires. Try not to provoke negative emotions in yourself towards other people. If you dream that a thief climbed into your apartment and started to ruin everything there - do not succumb to temptations.

You might want to build a new relationship with someone who is not worthy of you. Do not change those relationships that have proven their loyalty to a temporary hobby. This will not lead to anything good.

Why dream of an apartment in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that the apartment is dreaming of as a symbol of the stability of your life and your emotions. Perhaps you have long been looking for opportunities to build life on the principle that you can do everything yourself. Especially if in a dream you yourself are doing repairs in the apartment. Such a dream suggests that you really take too much on yourself and do not think about the consequences of such a decision. You need to consult and listen to a competent opinion.

If you dream that the apartment caught fire and someone burned in it, you really want life changes. You do not have enough positive emotions, you are almost always in a state of tension and emotions. Try not to get upset anymore. Just let go of the problems and allow yourself to live.

Why dream of an apartment for other dream book

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that the apartment is dreaming when it is time for you to take care of yourself. You must clean up your thoughts and emotions. Perhaps you yourself do not know what you want from life, but now is the time when you need to figure out the direction of forward movement, otherwise you will gradually roll back in your decisions.

If you dream of an amazing apartment in which there are a lot of unusual things - your daily life will also surprise you.

You can suddenly win a gift, meet an old acquaintance, meet a person whom you have not thought about for a long time, but only constantly remember when a certain time has come.

Why is the apartment dreaming about Aesop’s dream book? Aesop’s dream book says that you dream of an apartment when you want and need security. If in a dream you see how you close the door of the apartment to a huge castle - you will want to stay alone for a long time. But this loneliness will not do you any good. Think about what you're trying to hide from. From what truth? From what truth?
