What do chimpanzees and two year olds have in common?


European psychologists recently made a sensational statement that the communication tools of children under the age of 2 years and chimpanzees are the same and have 96% coincidence. Does this apply to all children or only toddlers from Africa or Europe, as stated by scientists?

New study

Scientists say that children have 52 gestures, while anthropoids have 50 of them. According to this statement, two-year-old babies who still do not know how to clearly explain themselves use the same methods of communication as gorillas and chimpanzees, which are classified as the highest representatives of the monkey species.

According to a unified methodology, gestures were classified in children and animals. For the experiment, kids were selected in kindergartens in Germany and Uganda. The games and communication of the children were filmed, after which a comparative analysis of the behavior of monkeys in such situations was made.

Conclusion of European scientists

The studies were published by Animal Cognition. Studying the footage made it possible for scientists to state that children and monkeys use exactly the same gestures, signs, facial expressions and postures to communicate with each other.

Even children's sounds are similar to monkey sounds. This allowed scientists to conclude that two-year-olds are not that far from chimpanzees and gorillas. Or maybe the monkeys are too close to our offspring?

We completely agree with the conclusion of scientists that children are just little monkeys. The high level at which these studies were conducted leaves no doubt.

All this only served as a confirmation of the opinion of our grandparents, who have long noticed this similarity. And then and now, little children are often called monkeys, and at the slightest whims they are asked not to monkey-play.


Watch the video: Is Your Dog As Smart As A Two Year Old? (June 2024).