Unhappy with the condition of your skin? Nano perforation will help you!


Smooth skin without enlarged pores and wrinkles is undoubtedly the dream of every woman or girl. Many people see the achievement of this excellent result only in plastic surgery. However, even surgically it is impossible to eliminate all skin problems and improve the complexion.

Surgery is always stressful for the body, it can lead to unpredictable results, especially cosmetic surgery. Therefore, a scientific breakthrough in this area has become a very important and joyful factor: the emergence of a technology that returns youth to the cells of the face and stops the aging of the skin - laser nanoperforation. With its help, in a short time and without the participation of a scalpel, you can improve the condition of the skin of the face, rejuvenate it.

The essence of the procedure

The essence of this operation is in the action of a focused laser beam, creating a large number of ultramicroscopic nanoholes on the skin surface. This is a kind of perforation of the skin layer at the cellular level. Laser pulses are generated using a special manipulator, the beam with high accuracy is directed to the area in need of cosmetic care.

The holes formed are not dangerous and do not cause complications. Due to laser perforation in the skin, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated, which significantly improves skin tone and elasticity. The face becomes smoother: skin pores are narrowed, and wrinkles disappear without a trace.

The benefits of surgery for the skin

Absolute painlessness is considered to be one of the advantages of laser nanoperforation, which excludes the use of anesthesia, except in some cases. During the procedure, there are only unusual sensations, warm and gentle tingling, which waves spread throughout the face. After a few hours on the skin exposed to the laser beam, redness appears - the capillaries of the skin expand and the blood circulation is activated.

A positive result becomes visible after a few days, the reddening of the skin disappears after three days. It is recommended to start the procedure from the age of 25, as this helps to prevent signs of early skin wilting. In addition, nanoperforation eliminates noticeable changes in the skin of the face, eliminates increased pigmentation and stretch marks.

The main advantage of this cosmetic procedure is a quick and noticeable improvement in the appearance of the skin and a rehabilitation period that does not take much time. Laser nanoperforation is considered to be a sparing operation; however, a doctor’s consultation is required to use it. It is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women with diabetes and other blood diseases.


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