Cheap and delicious - fried capelin in a pan. Popular and easy-to-cook recipes for fried capelin in a pan


Capelin is an inexpensive fish that can be purchased by almost anyone.

With the right culinary approach, a dish of this fish will appeal to even the largest gourmet. Capelin is prepared quite a bit - about half an hour.

Fried capelin in a pan - general cooking principles

First you need to defrost this fish and wash it under the tap. Another advantage of this fish can be considered that it is not necessary to clean it from the insides and bones, however there are housewives who are used to clean any fish from all internal unnecessary things, and this habit also extends to capelin.

In order to fry this fish in a pan, we need:

• Capelin

• Vegetable oil

• Salt

• Flour

Capelin is a picky product that can be cooked as you like, however, it is fried most of all. The fish is already thawed, washed, and now it is placed in a batter, which is represented simply by flour or a mixture with an egg, spices, starch, etc.

Capelin will be tasty if it is fried either immediately with vegetables or served on the table with a separate side dish, with decorations made from greens and lemon slices.

Fried capelin in a pan (classic recipe)


• Directly capelin itself weighing 800 g.

• Half a glass of flour

• Vegetable (sunflower, olive, etc.) oil

• Pepper, salt

Cooking method

For batter, mix flour, pepper and salt with each other. Thawed and washed capelin falls on a wide flat plate with pre-prepared batter, where on both sides it is covered with this flour mixture.

The surface of the pan is covered with vegetable oil and sent to bask on medium heat in anticipation of a meeting with capelin. Only the surface of the pan will heat up, so immediately spread our fish to fry. Fry each side for 4 to 6 minutes.

Fried capelin served garnished with herbs.

Fried capelin in a pan in egg batter

Egg batter gives capelin a much more delicate and juicy taste, but crisp does not go anywhere.


• Half a kilogram of fresh capelin

• 2 chicken eggs

• Five tablespoons of flour

• Spices: pepper and salt

• Vegetable oil. Better to use sunflower.

Cooking method

It is necessary to defrost capelin, then rinse and, if desired, clean. Do not forget to salt and pepper, after which you can safely go to the batter itself:

Beat the eggs slightly with a whisk in a deep bowl and then dip the fish into this mixture, which is then transferred to a frying pan with vegetable oil heated over medium heat. Do not forget to turn the fish over and fry it until it is ready. There is good advice: put the finished fish on a paper towel that absorbs excess vegetable oil.

Fried capelin in lemon marinade


• A kilogram of capelin itself

• One whole glass of flour

• One tablespoon of starch

• Two tablespoons of lemon juice, which, by the way, can be replaced with apple cider vinegar

• Salt and pepper

• Vegetable oil.

Cooking method

We take the capelin out of the freezer, defrost it and rinse it, after which we clean it and get rid of the tails. Then you need to salt and pepper this fish, and also pour the required amount of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. In this cooking method, you cannot immediately fry, but you need to leave the fish to marinate for another 15 to 20 minutes.

Capelin should be rolled in a mixture of flour and starch. Spread boned fish and fry in a preheated pan with vegetable oil. It is necessary to fry the fish on each side, giving both 4-6 minutes.

The advantage of the marinade is that frying fish does not leave a strong smell, and moreover, lemon juice can well soften the bones of this fish.

Fried capelin in a pan with onions and garlic

Fish such as capelin is quite simple to prepare. It only needs to be rolled in flour, tossed into a preheated pan and wait for readiness, periodically turning over. However, those who love cooking difficulties with the corresponding award in the form of an unusual taste will appreciate this recipe.


• Kilogram of capelin

• One onion

• Three cloves of garlic

• Any vegetable oil

• Flour and salt

Cooking method

Thawed fish must be washed thoroughly, after which it is worth drying a little with paper towels. If you wish, you can take out all unnecessary from the fish, but in this case there is a chance to lose the opportunity to eat ready-made capelin, which contains caviar deposits.

Capelin or salt and cover with flour, or roll fish directly in a mixture of flour and salt. Heat the pan and fry until golden brown on both sides. The culmination and highlight of the recipe is onion cut into thin half rings, which is fried together with garlic cloves. Fried foods are combined with fried capelin, giving a second pleasant taste.

Capelin fried in a pan in the dough


• 600 grams of capelin

• Two chicken eggs

• A glass of milk

• A glass of flour

• Two tablespoons of butter

• A tablespoon of olive oil

• Any vegetable oil

• Ginger, pepper, salt

• Vinegar

Cooking method

It is necessary to defrost capelin, which is immediately washed with tap water. We cut off the heads, after which it is worth gutting the carcasses from the insides. As a marinade we use our spices - salt, ginger and pepper, which we combine with olive oil and vinegar. Pickled fish should be refrigerated for 30 minutes.

While the fish is pickling, you need to break the chicken eggs, immediately separating the proteins from the yolks. Combine yolks with cold milk, flour and salt. This mixture must be beaten with a mixer, and then add the proteins and mix the resulting dough.

We heat the pan and fry the capelin, dipping it accordingly in the prepared dough. For greens and additional taste, any greens are perfect.

Fried capelin in a pan with onions and sour cream

Fish that is cooked in sour cream is more tender, but the calorie content of the dish increases quite strongly.


• 300 grams of fresh capelin

• Five tablespoons of sour cream

• Five tablespoons of water

• One onion

• Flour

• Vegetable oil

• Pepper and salt.

Cooking method

First of all, you need to cut off your head and clean the thawed capelin from the entrails and ridge. Salted fish is placed in a bowl with flour, then put in a heated frying pan. As soon as the fish is fried, immediately cover it with thinly chopped onions in half rings. And in this warming mixture you need to add diluted sour cream with water. After all, salt, pepper, and then be sure to cover it with a lid for stewing and set the timer for 10-15 minutes. Decorate the finished dish with herbs.

Fried capelin in a pan with sesame seeds

When frying fish, it is first wetted in batter, and then fried until cooked. Capelin is also prepared, but in this recipe special seasonings are used and, most importantly, sesame. Thus, this thin fish will dress up in a crispy crust, and the aroma of sesame will act as perfume.


• 600 - 700 grams of capelin

• Three to four tablespoons of flour

• One chicken egg

• Two to three tablespoons of sesame seeds

• Special seasonings for fish, salt

• Any vegetable oil

• One tablespoon of milk

Cooking method

Defrost fish from the freezer at room temperature, then rinse and allow to dry out a little from excess moisture. Break the egg into a shallow plate, which is bred with milk. In another flat plate, mix our spices: salt, seasoning and sesame seeds. Now we turn to the hot part of the cooking - pour the oil into the pan, set it to warm up and as soon as the oil has warmed up, immediately reduce the heat and place the fish, which were first placed step by step first in an egg and then in a plate with seasonings.

We fry the fish over high heat until it is covered with a golden crust. It is better to place before use on a paper towel that absorbs excess fat.

Fried capelin in a pan with vegetables

It is not necessary to cook capelin separately from vegetables, preparing it for a meeting with a side dish. Everything can be done much easier and faster:


• A kilogram of large capelin

• Three tablespoons of flour

• One onion

• One carrot

• Any vegetable oil

• 50 grams of greens

• Salt

Cooking method

Capelin needs to be thawed, cleaned of viscera and rinsed in water. While the fish is drying from water, we cut the peeled carrots into strips, peel the onions and cut into half rings. We fry the vegetables in a pan in which the heated vegetable oil is located. 3-5 minutes after the start of frying, put the resulting product on a plate and finely chop the greens.

We are moving to the culmination of the process - dip the capelin in flour, and then fry it in a pan until it turns golden.

We mix the resulting dish with cooked vegetables, sprinkle with herbs and can be served.

Fried capelin in a pan in a bread pan

There is an opinion that capelin should be cooked in wheat flour, however, it is not an indispensable product and it is replaced with any other flour, which can change the final taste of the dish, which is what corn flour does.


• 400 grams of capelin

• One teaspoon of salt

• Three tablespoons of flour

• A little vegetable oil

• Half onions

• A little parsley

Cooking method

Defrost, rinse, clean capelin, then salt and leave for 10 minutes, otherwise the salt does not absorb well. In the meantime, the fish is soaked, you can pour out cornmeal for a plate and put the butter in a frying pan to heat.

After ten minutes, roll the fish in flour and spread it in one layer on a hot pan. Reduce the fire. It is necessary to fry each side and no more than five minutes. Sprinkle the resulting dish with herbs.

Fried capelin in a pan - tricks and tips

Capelin is felled not only in flour, but also in semolina, and in this case the crust of the crust is felt more strongly, and it is much easier to turn the fish over when cooking.

If there are problems with turning the fish over, then this can be done very simply: you need to cover the pan with a large plate, then turn it over so that the capelin is on the dishes, and after that we shift the fish into the pan.

Many cannot cook fish because of the unbearable smell that occurs when cooking. However, this is not a problem if you know how to deal with it. To do this, you need to use fish marinated in lemon juice, basil and oregano. We leave the capelin in the marinade for about half an hour, and then fry, as stated in the recipe.

Capelin cutting optional, however, if desired, this can be done as follows:

• Perform an incision of the head from the back, but not to the end, but somewhere only two-thirds of the thickness.

• Fix the head with a knife, with the other hand we separate the carcass of the fish, thus, the head is separated from unnecessary entrails, while caviar remains in the fish

• And lastly, cut off the tail.

Finally, tips on the features of the defrosting processes: do not try to cook capelin, which is frozen a second time, otherwise it will have a sharp, unpleasant smell. It is also better to defrost capelin at room temperature.


Watch the video: Pan Fried Capelin (June 2024).