Lentils: the benefits and harms of the bean queen. Reliable facts about lentils, the benefits and harms of this amazing gift of nature


Amazing lentils - one of the food cultural old-timers.

The taste of the queen bean was appreciated by the ancient founders of the Neolithic sites found in the Middle East, and the biblical Noah sold the priceless birthright for the lentil soup. Why, by the way, is the queen? Because Russia before the revolution was the world's leading exporter of this wonderful product, it was loved and respected in Russia.

Red, green, yellow, brown and even black, lentil pleases with colorful flowers and simplicity of culinary processing. From it quickly and easily you can cook dozens of delicious dishes. In some countries, for example, India, it is the basis of the national diet. And no wonder: the unique composition of lentil seed allows it to successfully replace meat and potatoes, and bread.

Unfortunately, today in Russia, lentils are not as common as in the old days. Lentil dishes can be found in the restaurant menu rather than on the dinner table of the average Russian. But those who care about their health are happy to eat lentil dishes. They are not only useful, but also deliciously tasty.

Nutritionists sing the glory of lentils, the benefit and harm of which they have long appreciated. Looking ahead, we can say that a very small category of people should refrain from eating lentil dishes. All the others can not only enjoy their taste, but also strengthen their health. As did the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians, for example.

It was believed that children from lentils become vigorous and diligent, and representatives of the strong half of humanity strengthen their masculine strength. During the times of the Roman Empire, lentils were a high-demand product on the international market. Not least because it was considered something of a panacea for many diseases. From it did Revslenta arabica - the Arabian fortifying agent. His recipe is still popular in the East.

Medieval healers also believed in the miraculous power of lentils, the benefits and harms of which were estimated approximately the same as modern pharmacists. They actively used the beneficial properties of the plant, including it in most drugs. With the help of lentil broth, they tried to cure deadly black smallpox. The ancient healers quite correctly soldered to them and people suffering from kidney stones and heart disease.

Today, lentils are recommended for pregnant women, as they contain a huge amount of vegetable protein, fiber, iron and B vitamins. But there is almost no fat and cholesterol in it. The modern food industry uses lentil raw materials for the production of confectionery, sausages, coffee substitutes.

Useful properties of lentils

The love of fans of lentils, the benefits and harms of which have long haunted vegetarians, is understandable. The protein content of the culture can be complete meat substituteBut it is absorbed much easier. In addition, it is a truly pure product, which, you see, is a rarity these days. The fact is that it does not absorb agricultural chemistry, radionuclides, and therefore is completely free from toxins and nitrates.

Amazing properties allow us to talk about lentils, its benefits and harms, in a positive way. It heals, strengthens various systems of the human body:

• increases immunity;

• helps to improve the function of blood formation;

• protects the intestines;

• normalizes the genitourinary system;

• is the prevention of tumor diseases;

• stimulates metabolic processes:

• prevents cardiovascular disease.

Lentils have a beneficial effect on children's immune system. Pediatricians recommend to include lentil dishes in the diet of one-year-old children and older children.

Due to the high content of fiber, folic acid and phytoestrogens - powerful antioxidants, lentils prevents bowel cancer. Such a volume of isoflavones is extremely rare and has a beneficial effect on the body. If you eat three servings of lentil food per week, then the risk of polyps on the intestinal walls will be significantly reduced. But it is polyps that most often reborn into cancerous tumors.

Women who regularly use lentils, much less likely to get sick breast cancer. Most importantly, heat treatment does not destroy the isoflavones. You can enjoy delicious hot dishes, pastries, while strengthening your own health. Just one ordinary serving of soup or lentil porridge provides up to 90% of the body’s daily need for folic acid. This is an indispensable product for pregnant women. In addition, ladies will certainly appreciate the "lentil bonuses": leveling and cleansing of the skin, lasting weight loss, radiant complexion.

Lentils - a real treasure trove of beneficial microelements and vitamins that are not lost during heat treatment.

Lentil seed has an amazing composition:

• vitamins PP, A, B, E;

• beta carotene;

• folic acid;

• most important macroelements: magnesium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, phosphorus;

• main trace elements: fluorine, chromium, selenium, boron, nickel, aluminum, cobalt, iodine, copper, titanium, manganese, iron, zinc, silicon;

• proteins;

• carbohydrates;

• fatty acid;

• starch and sugar.

The unique composition of lentil seed, containing a huge amount of zinc and iron, contributes to increase efficiency, resistance to infectious and viral diseases. If at least twice a week to feed children lentil cakes, soup, lentil puree, they will not be afraid of any seasonal flu epidemics. In order for iron from lentils to be better absorbed, you need to eat a bean culture along with fresh vegetables.

Men who use lentils, very rarely complain of impotence. Strengthening the genitourinary system - prostate disease prevention.

Vitamins of group B, magnesium strengthen the nervous system, therefore the mood of lovers of legumes is always good and even. Moreover. Lentils contain tryptophan, and it is this amino acid that contributes to the production of serotonin, the “pomp of joy”. So lentil dishes allow get rid of depression, including chronic ones, to improve mood. Some psychiatrists prescribe lentils as an additional treatment for persistent depression. Most tryptophan contains green varieties.

All this allows us to make an unambiguous conclusion regarding lentil, its benefits and harm. The beneficial properties of the legume are disproportionately higher than the unhealthy.

What diseases does lentil cure?

Porridge and chowder from lentils normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, reproductive and urinary organs, raises the level of hemoglobin, and promotes the production of red blood cells. Individual varieties of lentils are shown to diabetics for lowering blood sugar levels. Lentil dishes are mandatory for people suffering from a stomach ulcer.

Germinated lentils are truly miraculous. It contains a large amount of vitamin C and potassium. If you take a tablespoon of this natural product daily, you can get rid of many ailments (in particular, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis), strengthen blood vessels, increase the energy of the body.

A miraculous decoction of lentil seed will relieve nervous breakdown, urolithiasis, and liver diseases. To make a healthy drink, you need to pour three tablespoons of lentils with half a liter of pure water, boil for 20 minutes at a slow boil, then strain through a sieve. Take it to eat three times a day for half a glass. The results will be such that the question of lentils, its benefits and harms, will be decided by itself.

A slurry of their lentil flour and butter can be applied to burned or dermatitis-affected skin. The mixture will heal the affected areas.

In addition to protein, lentils contain a high content of fiber, and this is the main condition for the normal functioning of the intestine. Due to the dietary fiber of lentils, persistent constipation can be cured, and intestinal walls can be cleaned of toxic contents. Disposal of toxins and the normal functioning of the intestines will solve many skin problems: acne, acne, inflammation will disappear.

Not the last place is given to lentils in the complex treatment of obesity. You need to include lentil soup or soup in your diet and consume it daily.

Who can not eat lentils?

Information about lentils, its benefits and harms cannot be complete without indicating the possible negative effects of the use of legumes. First of all, it is worth recalling that all sorts of excesses go only to the detriment. Therefore, there are lentil dishes you need, but without fanaticism. Moderation in everything is the key to excellent health. If you daily wrap large spoonfuls of lentil porridge for breakfast and dinner, lentil soup for lunch, and drink all this with lentil broth, there will certainly be no use.

Definitely decide for yourself about lentils, its benefits and harms in the direction of complete failure should people suffering from the following diseases:

• gout;

• joint diseases;

• gallbladder dyskinesia;

• dysbacteriosis;

• hemorrhoids;

• uric acid diathesis.

It is not recommended to eat lentils with sensitive kidneys and gall bladder. Large loads caused by the use of legumes can cause the formation of stones of the bile ducts and kidneys.

Some unpleasant consequences after eating lentils may be associated with an individual reaction of the body. If you eat too much lentil protein, digestion will be broken. With propensities for increased gas formation product should be treated with the utmost care. Flatulence in this case is guaranteed, as with the use of other legumes. All of them cause increased gas formation.

Lentils due to its contained fitanov reduces the degree of assimilation by the body of certain nutrients. These include iron, calcium and zinc. However, this is not such a critical indicator for solving the issue of lentils, the benefits and harms of this product. The fact is that other legumes contain phytans. Moreover, these substances are much less in lentils than in the same peas, beans or beans.

Lentils are quite hard to digest. To cope with such a quantity of valuable protein and other micro and macro elements is not easy even for a healthy organism, let alone a patient. To facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to properly prepare the seeds. They certainly need to be soaked for several hours, drain the water, and then properly digest the product.

What is the bottom line? Lentils, its benefits and harm are very carefully studied by experts. They are known to doctors, psychiatrists, cosmetologists, pharmacists.

They are unanimous in their conclusions: the useful qualities of lentils, this wonderful gift of nature, are far superior to the negative ones.


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