Spicy soup - a warming dish with peppercorn. Recipes of spicy soups with chicken, lentils, tomato, meatballs, shrimp


Spicy soups have a special, piquant taste and have a warming effect. They are the best fit for winter diet.

But oddly enough, the big lovers of spicy soups are residents of southern countries. The diet of the Chinese, Vietnamese, Thais and other Asian peoples is impossible to imagine without savory first courses.

It is believed that they help maintain a fit figure, prevent obesity, and stand guard over health and longevity.

Indulge in hot soup?

Spicy soup - general principles of preparation

Like any first course, spicy soup can be cooked in broth or water. Most often, meat, fish, chicken broths are used, which ennoble the dish and make it more satisfying. If a vegetarian spicy soup is being prepared, then special emphasis should be placed on spices so that the dish does not turn out empty and tasteless. You can also pre-cook a vegetable decoction of onions, carrots, fragrant roots and use it instead of water.

What can be added to hot soups:

• seafood;

• vegetables;

• cereals;

• pasta;

• eggs;

• ready-made sauces;

• greenery.

Well, to give spice, peppers are most often used. So that it is evenly distributed in the dish, it is finely chopped or ground into gruel. Then put in the broth or pre-stewed with vegetables in a pan. Spicy soups are seasoned with herbs, various spices, lemon juice.

Recipe 1: Spicy Kharcho Soup with Tkemali Sauce

A simplified recipe for a warming, spicy soup, into which an already prepared tkemali sauce goes. It is cooked on mutton, but you can also use beef. It is advisable to consume kharcho fresh, the soup is not reheated. The number of products is designed for 4 servings.


• 500 grams of mutton;

• a glass of tkemali;

• 4 onions;

• 50 grams of rice;

• hot pepper pod;

• some oil;

• greenery;

• salt;

• 70 grams of tomato paste.


1. We wash the lamb, cut into slices and pour 2.5 liters of water. Cooking the broth. Do not forget to remove the foam when boiling.

2. Rinse the rice until the water is clear, run it into the soup.

3. Cut the onion into cubes and send after the rice. Cook foods until soft.

4. Heat in the pan a little small, add finely chopped hot pepper, fry for a minute. Then we pour the tkemali, add the pasta and simmer all together for another 10 minutes.

5. Salt the soup, put the contents of the pan into the pan, let it boil for a couple more minutes.

6. Fill with greens, put a bay leaf and turn it off. Let the hot soup brew for half an hour and you can take a sample.

Recipe 2: Spicy Noodle and Minced Soup

The recipe for a quick spicy tomato-style soup. Instead of meat, any mincemeat is used, which allows us to save a lot of time. We use any noodles, you can also take small vermicelli instead. But in this case, you need to reduce the time of cooking pasta.


• 300 grams of minced meat;

• 300 grams of salted tomatoes;

• chili pepper pod;

• onion;

• head of garlic;

• 180 grams of noodles;

• a piece of ginger;

• butter;

• salt;

• one carrot;

• Bulgarian pepper.


1. Cut the onion, fry for a minute in oil. Add the grated carrots, bell pepper, chopped chilli and cook for another 3 minutes.

2. Peel the salted tomatoes, grind them and send them to the pan to the vegetables, simmer for 5 minutes.

3. Peel the ginger, finely chop it, mix it with minced meat and fill it with two liters of water, you can pour less if you want to get a thicker dish. We put on the stove, boil for 10 minutes.

4. Spread the noodles, let it boil. Solim.

5. Add cooked vegetables from the pan, boil everything together for about 5 minutes, then throw the bay leaf and turn it off.

6. Before serving, spicy soup sprinkled with herbs.

Recipe 3: Thai Spicy Shrimp Soup

To prepare this dish, you will need Thai tom yam paste, which consists of chili pepper, ginger and spices. Also, for a spicy soup you will need any broth, you can take fish, chicken or meat. It is advisable to use raw shrimp.


• 800 grams of broth;

• 200 grams of shrimp;

• 1 pickled cucumber;

• 150 grams of champignons;

• a spoon of tom yam paste;

• onion;

• butter;

• celery stalk;

• carrot;

• salt, cilantro.


1. Put the broth on the stove, bring to a boil. Cut celery and carrots into pieces, throw in a pan.

2. Finely chop the onion, fry in oil. Then add the hot pasta tom yam, warm it up and put everything in the soup.

3. We cut the mushrooms into slices, send to a pot with soup. Boil for two minutes.

4. Add the pickled cucumber cut into small cubes and cook everything together for 5 minutes. We taste it. If salt is not enough, then add.

5. Now you need to put the shrimp. Thais use unpeeled seafood. It is believed that the shell during cooking gives the dish a special taste and aroma. But if desired, the shrimp can be cleaned by leaving a tail. We send seafood to the soup.

6. Now we tear the cilantro with our hands (you can use ordinary parsley instead) and send it to the pan, immediately turn it off. Thai spicy soup is ready!

Recipe 4: Spicy Tomato and Bean Soup

Ideally, boiled beans are used for this spicy soup. But to speed up and simplify the cooking process, you can take a canned product. Beans in tomato or in their own juice, white or red, are suitable.


• 2 chili peppers;

• a can of beans (380-400 grams);

• 15 grams of flour;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• 2 onions;

• 500 grams of tomatoes;

• parsley;

• salt;

• liter of any broth.


1. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for a minute, then cool in cold water and remove the peel. Turn mashed blender along with chili pods, you can pass everything through a meat grinder or just chop finely.

2. Peel the onion, cut into cubes, fry in a casserole. Add cooked tomato puree. Stew together for 5 minutes.

3. Pour the broth, leaving 100 grams for diluting the flour. Bring the soup to a boil. Solim.

4. Spread the beans, if it is in tomato sauce, then nothing needs to be done. If the beans are in their own juice, then it is advisable to wash them from the slimy marinade, placing in a colander.

5. Dilute the flour with the remaining broth and introduce it into a boiling soup in a thin stream, mix, boil for a minute.

6. Put chopped parsley and turn it off.

Recipe 5: Spicy Chicken and Egg Soup

This dish is best prepared from chicken with skin, so that the broth turns out to be more fat and rich. You will also need chicken eggs, which you can add to the finished soup already boiled, but we will fill it fresh.


• 0.5 kg of chicken;

• 2 potatoes;

• 0.5 tsp red pepper;

• 4 eggs;

• butter;

• carrot;

• greens, salt;

• onion.


1. Pour the washed chicken with water, cook the broth until the meat is ready, about 40-50 minutes. Then we take out the pieces, free from the bones and again throw in the pan.

2. Cut the peeled potatoes into strips, send to the pan. Solim.

3. Shred the onion finely, fry in oil, add the grated carrots.

4. Once the potatoes are cooked, put the fried vegetables into the pan.

5. Eggs are broken in a bowl, put red pepper, mix well. You can beat with a fork or whisk.

6. Pour the eggs into the pan with a thin stream, stir intensively.

7. Add the greens, bay leaf and immediately turn it off. Before serving, let the dish stand for 15 minutes under the lid.

Recipe 6: Spicy Meatball Soup

Another spicy soup, this time with the addition of potatoes. The dish is fragrant, hearty, warming. Great for the cold season. Minced meat can be taken any, but better mixed from several types of meat.


• 300 grams of minced meat;

• 50 grams of rice;

• 5 potatoes;

• one onion;

• hot pepper pod;

• greenery;

• clove of garlic;

• butter;

• one carrot.


1. Boil the rice until almost ready, drain the water, slightly outgrow the cereal and mix with minced meat. Add the chopped garlic clove, salt and knead the mass.

2. We put a pan on the stove, pour 2 liters of water or broth, let it boil.

3. Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes, throw them into the pan, cook until half ready.

4. Form the meatballs, the size of a quail egg, fry on both sides in a pan until golden brown. You do not need to steam, they will reach readiness in the soup.

5. Send the meatballs to the potatoes. Salt the soup.

6. Cut the onion, fry in a pan after meatballs. Add finely chopped hot pepper pod.

7. Put the contents of the pan in the soup, boil for 2 minutes. We try the dish on the salt, if necessary, add more spices.

8. We cut any fresh herbs, season the soup, at the end we throw the bay leaf and turn it off.

Recipe 7: Spicy Lentil Soup

For this spicy soup, it is better to use red lentils, with it the dish turns out beautiful, bright. A lemon gives a special aroma and piquant taste. Soup is prepared without potatoes, but you can add it if desired.


• 300 grams of chicken;

• 150 grams of lentils;

• carrot;

• lemon;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• dill;

• chili pod.


1. We wash the chicken, pour 1.5 liters of water, cook the broth almost until done.

2. Put washed lentils, boil until soft. At the end, the soup can be salted.

3. We heat the oil in a pan, fry the onion, chopped into small cubes. Add the grated carrots and simmer the vegetables over low heat until soft.

4. We shift the fried vegetables into soup, let it boil, season with chopped herbs and turn it off.

5. Squeeze the juice from the lemon.

6. Cut the garlic and hot chili pepper into a mortar. Add a pinch of salt, lemon juice and rub well.

7. Pour the hot soup into plates, put in each spoonful of aromatic mass of garlic and pepper and can be served.

Spicy soup - useful tips and tricks

• To make the soup clear, do not allow intense boiling. It is better to cook the dish on low heat, under the lid. When laying each ingredient, the fire is added, let the soup boil quickly and again set to a minimum mode.

• Out of tomato paste? Instead, you can add mashed tomatoes (fresh, barrel, canned), ready-made ketchup, frozen and even dried vegetables. You can use tomato juice, but it must first be boiled or cut part of the broth.

• Pepper is a constant ingredient in hot soups. If there is no suitable pod, then it can always be replaced with red ground pepper, Georgian adjika or Thai sauce.

• Spicy soups often add a variety of pasta. So that they do not become sour and do not spoil the first dish, the cooking time should be reduced by half. In the process of insisting soup pasta will reach readiness.


Watch the video: Beth's Vegan Thai Red Curry Recipe. ENTERTAINING WITH BETH (June 2024).