Flax seeds - how useful are they and can they harm health? How to take flax seeds, what is their calorie content


Flax is a grassy, ​​non-greasy-looking plant known to man since time immemorial. Flax stalks were processed into fibers and linen cloth was made from them.
Due to its beneficial properties, flax seeds were eaten in ancient Babylon. And in Russia, flour and linseed oil were made from flax seeds, using them as food additives and for medicinal purposes.
For toothache, for example, our ancestors applied a bag of warm flaxseed to the cheek and the pain usually subsided.
Flax blooms in mid-summer and blooms in a beautiful, blue color. Closer to autumn, tiny seeds ripen that contain many different nutrients. It is not in vain that the word "flax" is translated from Latin as "most useful."
From the point of view of medical science, the health benefits of flax seeds are difficult to overestimate. They hid a whole pantry of various vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fatty acids, which have an invaluable therapeutic effect in many diseases.

In ancient times, it was generally believed that flax seeds could be used to make a medicine for the prevention and treatment of any disease. Suffice it to say that flax seed is a source of selenium - a substance that protects the immune system from the negative effects of viruses and various infections.

And the presence of vitamin F in it reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and helps lower blood pressure, bringing invaluable health benefits. Doctors widely use these beneficial properties of flax seeds to treat atherosclerosis, blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks.

It is proved that the caloric content of flax seeds is quite high - 534 kcal. However, for all its energy value, this plant-based food product does not cause either obesity or additional weight problems.

On the contrary, plant fiber contained in flax seeds not only satisfies the hunger, but also activates the intestines, helps to cleanse it quickly and quickly remove toxins from the body.

What else contains flaxseed - a healthy product?

1. It contains a protein of high biological activity, which in its composition is close to the protein of the human body.

2. This is the richest plant source of polyunsaturated acids, which contribute to the treatment and prevention of vascular diseases, normalization of heart rhythm.

3. Special acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6) found in flaxseed have a protective effect against certain types of cancer (breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men).

4. For the fair sex, which takes crushed flax seeds, albeit high-calorie, tides during menopause are reduced by almost half.

Flax seeds: what are the benefits for the body?

1. Flax seeds are good for health, as an expectorant and bactericidal. A decoction of flax seeds treat colds, throats, boils, burns, and they are also used for dry cough.

Boil one teaspoon of seeds over low heat for about 20 minutes. Then let the broth brew as much. Gargle a sore throat several times. In this way, you can get rid of a nagging exhausting cough.

2. Flax seeds have the beneficial property of lowering sugar.

Eating flax seeds daily reduces blood sugar in people with diabetes. Tiny seeds have the useful property of enhancing the action of insulin, which in turn allows you to reduce its dose during treatment.

Pour two teaspoons of flax seeds with water and let it brew, stirring occasionally. Take at night, in small sips, washed down with warm water.

3. The benefits of flax seeds - in their wonderful ability to strengthen the body's defenses.

Grind 15 g of the product and add a little honey to the pulp. Take 1 spoon 3 times a day. This method allows you to increase immunity in a short time, which will help fight diseases.

4. Flax seeds - a useful remedy for indigestion.

Enema with a decoction of flax seeds well cleanse and soothe the intestines, which positively affects the condition of the whole organism. Take 20 g of the healing product, pour boiling water (400 ml). Keep it on fire for 15 minutes, then cool, strain and apply fresh broth using an enema.

5. Flax seeds are very useful for those who want to lose weight.

When it enters the stomach, flaxseed swells, creating a satiety effect. If you need to get rid of extra pounds, then constantly eat healing seed in a coarsely chopped form.

So you learn not to transmit. Over time, the volume of the stomach will decrease and the body will need much less food to satisfy hunger.

6. Slime from flax seeds is good for the stomach.

It is used for gastritis to protect the gastric mucosa from the harmful effects of gastric juice. Mucus has an enveloping property and helps with ulcers and the inflammatory process of the genitourinary system.

7. Flax seeds are useful in the treatment of worms and radiation sickness.

8. Flax seed flour also has healing properties. Shiny, high-quality flax seeds have a dense, crispy shell. They make butter and flour, which are added to food.

Flaxseed oil is not inferior to the famous olive oil in its healing properties and can be stored for a long time in a dark sealed container. You can make flour yourself at home, resin the flax seeds in an ordinary coffee grinder.

Salads are seasoned with linseed oil, and linseed flour is mixed with the usual wheat flour and pancakes, pies and pies are baked from them.

By adding this plant product (oil and flour from flax seeds) to vegetable and fruit salads, flour pastries and cold snacks, you make your meal more tasty and healing.

In one of the Western countries, a special national program was adopted. With concern for the health of its nation, the government recommended the mandatory inclusion of flax seeds in bakery products.

By the way, crushed flax seeds have an incredible degree of usefulness for the child's body. If you want your child to grow strong and healthy, add these healing grains to cottage cheese, salads and cereals.

9. What else is the use of flax seeds for the body? In their soft laxative effect. This product is not able (due to its properties) to harm the intestines or disrupt its microflora.

Flaxseed has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system of a person. It has the power to gently cleanse toxins and toxins.

If constipation is a problem that is familiar to you, use a small amount of flaxseed oil as an additive to salads or cereals. With regular use of the product, you can forget about what constipation is.

Flax seeds: what are the health risks?

The most useful and undeservedly forgotten plant food product has high biological activity and healing properties. And like any other remedy, flax seeds can not only help, but also harm if they are consumed excessively. It's all about the dose, as the ancient doctors said.

Remember that a day is enough to consume 20-25 g of healing seeds. Try to adhere to such a norm in order not to harm your body.

In addition, flax seeds are harmful when:

• intestinal inflammation

• pancreatitis

• hypertension

• prick, cholecystitis

• gallstone disease

• allergic reaction

• the existing risk of getting prostate cancer (in men)

• polycystic, endometritis, uterine fibroids (in women)

Harm of flax seeds for pregnant and lactating mothers

Doctors find no obvious contraindications to the use of flax seeds or linseed oil for pregnant women. But still, it is important to know that it is possible to apply this biologically active plant product, as a medicine, in limited quantities.

For he is able to influence not only the body of the future mother, but also the fetus. Therefore, in such cases, it is best to consult your doctor and adhere to his recommendations.

For breastfeeding mothers, doctors are allowed to use linseed oil as additives to salads and snacks. This helps the body recover quickly after giving birth.

Flax seeds: harm for losing weight

Flax seeds are used not only for medicinal purposes, but also in dietetics. However, the product is by no means a “miracle tool” for quickly achieving the planned result. In addition, flax seeds are high in calories.

Why do those who want to lose weight use this particular product? Because flaxseed is extremely beneficial for the body. It:

• reduces appetite

• promotes gentle cleansing

• improves the digestive tract

For all the benefits of flax seeds for the body as a whole and for weight loss in particular, it must be remembered that the result of your efforts will not be instantaneous.

Seed acts gently and sparingly. First of all, it cleanses, and this, in turn, leads to an improvement in the condition of the skin and a gradual reduction in weight.

The main harm of flax seeds for losing weight is excessive consumption and existing diseases in which the use of the product is prohibited.

It is best to start using a medicinal product with small doses (do not forget that flax seeds are high-calorie!). And when losing weight, also introduce more water into your diet.

Attention! Flax seeds will be good for health only if they are not oxidized by air and light. Therefore, store a valuable product in a clean, sealed container away from light.

To summarize the foregoing, I would like to recall that in nature there is an invaluable pantry of various medicinal plants. And treat this natural "green pharmacy" very reasonably.

With all the useful properties of flax seeds and indispensable healing qualities, they can harm the body. The right approach and measure in everything is the main condition when using even the most useful product.
