Which fats are more harmful: animal or vegetable? The answer is not obvious.


Scientists still cannot reach consensus in a dispute over the beneficial qualities of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are very popular among the population, and nutritionists say that PUFAs prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system and prevent obesity. Animals saturated fats, on the contrary, are almost the main cause of heart attack, obesity and, finally, the grave.

This opinion was refuted by scientists from the University of North Carolina and the National Institute of Health (USA). They believe that in fact, everything happens in the opposite way: polyunsaturated fatty acids significantly increase the risk of vascular diseases and heart attacks. The authors of the study used data from testing conducted by Australian doctors in the 60s of the twentieth century.

Then, scientists faced a similar task - to find out what role the type of fat plays in the development of heart disease. Researchers conducted a long and serious work, but did not bring it to its logical conclusion.

American scientists analyzed the diet and general health status of 1,500 men in the 30–59 age group, all of whom have recently suffered an attack of acute coronary insufficiency. Patients were divided into two separate groups. The first one was proposed to increase the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-6 and Omega-3 marker by 15%, and also to reduce the consumption of animal fats by 10%. People in the second group did not receive any specific dietary recommendations.

All respondents kept a special diary where they contributed everything they ate. The experiment lasted for 39 months. The results showed that patients leaning on a PUFA were more often ill and were dying of cardiac abnormalities. According to the authors of the study, before doctors simply did not conduct an in-depth analysis of the relationship between different types of fats and cardiovascular diseases.

There have been numerous studies of polyunsaturated fatty acids that typically suffered from fragmentation and bias. As a result, we are faced with a dangerous misconception that animal fats are death, and Omega is salvation from disease.

The authors of the study advise colleagues to carefully analyze statistical data and more thoughtfully evaluate their own results. However, it is clear to everyone that statistics are only the first link in the search for a mechanism by which PUFAs help (or harm) the human body.


Watch the video: VEGANS vs MEAT EATERS - Who Will Live Longer? Food Diet Comparison (June 2024).