March 15: what are the holidays today. Events, birthday and birthday on March 15.


Holidays March 15

International Day for the Protection of Whites

It is hard to imagine how a human hand for the sake of a piece of valuable fur can rise on the seals of the harp seals. Is it possible to exterminate such a magnificent creation of nature? Of course not! In order to remind the public of an important problem and partly protect the calves from poachers, the International Fund for Animal Welfare established a holiday - the International Day for the Protection of Squirrels, annually celebrated by a number of countries on March 15.

The harp seal bore its child for more than ten months, and with the advent of heat, it is born. It is a pity that many youngsters are not destined to live to reproductive age, because they are violently exterminated for the snow-white, soft and valuable fur, which begins to descend from the fragile body as soon as the calf switches to independent feeding. With sticks and batons - this is how killers act in order not to damage the fur. Often, the skin is generally stripped from living seals.

Practically in all countries a ban has been imposed on the killing of whitecoats, as well as on the sale of fur products. A similar decision was made several months ago in the Russian Federation, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. We seriously thought about the problem and the authorities of the Chinese Republic. Since 2009, Russia has a law banning the catch of white seals and adult seals throughout the White Sea.

It is interesting to know: Many honorable "stars", as well as public and political figures of the Russian Federation are fierce activists in the struggle to exterminate belcots. Laima Vaikule, Victor Gusev, Andrei Makarevich, Renata Litvinova, Alena Sviridova, Irina Khakamada, Zhanna Aguzarova, Nikolai Valuev, Gennady Zyuganov, Vladimir Putin and many others. dr. - the country must know its heroes by sight!

World Consumer Rights Day

March 15, the world celebrates World Consumer Rights Day, which began its existence with a speech in the 1961 Congress of the President of the USA - D. Kennedy. At the congress, the President formulated four consumer rights:

- the right to be informed
- the right to safety
- the right to be heard
- the right to choose

Gradually, several more were added to these aspects: the right to a healthy environment, the right to reparation, and the satisfaction of basic needs. The holiday was first celebrated in 1983, after which it was firmly established in the calendar of holiday dates. In Russia, these rights are protected by the Consumer Union of the Russian Federation (SPRF), organized in the late 1990s. To date, the SPRF unites more than a hundred public associations that provide qualified legal assistance to the population.

March 15 in the national calendar


On March 15, people remember the Holy Great Martyr Theodotus, who held the title of bishop and lived in the fourth century.

In Russia, the spirit of the saint was nicknamed Vetronos, because it was on this day, as the peasants noticed, that Theodotus swept past strong winds over the Earth. Over the years, people have put together many sayings about this. Here are a few of them: "Fedot-Vetronos - he is sticking his nose everywhere," "Fedot is angry, he'll go limp by noon, you see, and his sun is hot." The people believed that underground sources boiled on Feodot and burst to the surface of the earth - this is what causes the thaw. But if the expected warming does not come or a severe frost hits, they noticed with displeasure: "Fedot came, came, yes, but not that one."

Historical events of March 15

March 15, 1892 - Jesse Reno, American entrepreneur, patented escalator

The first escalator was noticeably different from the modern ones; it was a tilted canvas repulsed by longitudinal slats. With the consent of the inventor, he was installed in one of the largest shopping centers in Philadelphia, where the escalator has been working for about fifty years. At the beginning of the 20th century in Paris, several moving stairs of various types were presented. In Russia, the first "lifts" appeared in the mid-1930s, when they designed the construction of the metro in Moscow.

March 15, 1892 - Foundation of the Liverpool Football Club

The founder of the English club "Liverpool" was a local businessman John Holding. Back in 1884, the Holding elected one of the most respected teams, Everton, to the presidency. For his favorite team, the entrepreneur did not regret his own land plot and built a stadium on it, which he later called Enfield Road. However, soon the Holding broke off all sorts of relations with the players, the reason for which were financial problems. As a result, he was left alone, but with a huge stadium on the site. The businessman did not give up and decided to assemble a new team of professional football players. He succeeded. The new club the British Football Association has called "Liverpool" - in honor of the small homeland. To date, “Liverpool” is the most award-winning and honorable football club in the history of football in Britain. 18 times he became the champion of Britain.

March 15, 1990 - M. Gorbachev became President - the only one in the history of the USSR

This post Gorbachev held about two years. His policies led to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the formation of the CIS - for which he still has not been held accountable. From 1992 to the present, Gorbachev is President of the International Foundation for Political, Social and Economic Research, and also holds other posts in public organizations (in 1996, for example, he became the chairman of the board of the International Green Cross).

March 15 were born

- Andrew Jackson (1767-1845 gg.) - political and statesman, the seventh US president. After leaving the presidency in 1837, Jackson stayed in Hermitage, where he died on a clear summer day in 1845.

- Valentin Rasputin (born in 1937) - Soviet, as well as Russian writer, prose writer, public figure. After graduation, he began working in a newspaper, where he wrote simple stories and essays. Long and hard work made him a member of the Writers' Union. Soon he published his famous book of short stories, which glorified him. Among the works there are such as: "Lessons of French", "Live and learn,", "Live and remember," etc. Many novels were later filmed.

- Zhores Alferov (born in 1930) - Soviet theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize winner. He is the author of many works in the field of quantum physics, and today he is also an active public figure, a State Duma deputy, a member of the State Duma Committee on Science, and vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Thanks to the work of Alferov, the world received cell phones, solar batteries, optical communication lines, LEDs and much more.

- Dmitry Sautin (born in 1974) - jumper in the water, Honored Master of Sports of Russia and two-time Olympic champion.

- Leonid Yengibarov (1935-1972 gg.) - Soviet circus artist, clown-mime. Since 1956 - an actor. He mostly starred in small episodes, and later played himself in the movie "Path to the Arena". We also know him from the films "Aibolit-66", "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" and "Stove-Benches".

Name Day March 15

Name March 15 will be able to celebrate the owners of the names: Louise, Raymond, Clemens, Arseny, Efrosin, Savva, Nikolai, Joseph, Codrat, Theodot, Agathon, Antonina.
