Do you dream of enlarging the mammary glands at home? Unique ways to enlarge breasts at home, without surgery


Female breasts are sung by poets, glorified by artists of all generations, this part of the female body has been and remains the most attractive for men.

Every woman dreams of a beautiful breast, but not everyone has made such a gift to nature.

If the ass can be pumped up in the gym, then with the chest in this case is much more difficult.

Some ladies decide to lie under the surgeon's scalpel.

Many women with small breasts want to enlarge the mammary glands at home, but do not know how to do it.

Enlarge the mammary glands at home: a set of measures

A whole industry has been developed in the world, aimed at developing means and methods for breast augmentation. The fact is that the mammary gland itself cannot be pumped up, because it is not a muscle. With age, the corset supporting the chest weakens and it sags.

A beautiful breast shape, as well as a fit figure, a face without wrinkles require additional efforts, it is not without reason that they say that beauty requires sacrifice. There are several methods and techniques.helping to enlarge the mammary glands at home.

- With the help of implants, the breast can be increased to the most incredible sizes, however, this is surgery, expensive pleasure and a threat to health.

- Special creams have been developed, the regular rubbing of which according to the instructions guarantees an increase in the mammary glands by size, but in some women these funds cause allergies, in others the achieved effect disappears after stopping the use of miracle cream.

- Our grandmothers, great-grandmothers also dreamed of a beautiful breast, and left a good legacy of folk methods and methods.

- It turns out that there are some products, the frequent use of which, accompanied by special exercises, allows you to enlarge the mammary glands at home.

Having a small chest, you should first try all available methods, and then, if so necessary, go under the knife.

How to enlarge the mammary glands at home: a set of exercises

The breast is not amenable to a lift, but who said that it is impossible to strengthen the muscles around it, as a result of which the breast itself will become more attractive, visually increasing in size.

- We stretch our arms forward at chest level, put our fingers “in the lock” and turn our palms so that the back side looks at us. In this position, keeping our hands on the weight, we bend and unbend them at the elbows, stretching them as much as possible, repeating 20-30 times.

- We lie down on the floor face down, bend our hands and put our palms at chest level. As you inhale, slowly raise your head, tear off your chest from the floor and bend as much as possible in the back. Exhale - take the starting position. We repeat the deflections from 10 to 30 times, so we do 3 approaches.

- It copes with the formation of a corset for the chest and classic push-ups. If age does not allow you to do this exercise from the floor, start pushing up from the wall, then go to the chair, the main thing is to keep your body level. Whenever possible, do 5 to 20 times. 2 - 3 approaches.

- Young women can make a bridge, smoothly, slowly bending in the belt, reaching the floor with their hands, trying to stay in this position for as long as possible. Ladies of older age, but also wanting to strengthen the muscles around the mammary glands, for true beauty is timeless, it is enough to make a bridge near the wall.

Japanese Experience Mieko Yoshimaru, having enlarged her breast independently by 4 sizes, can serve as an inspiring example for many. Indeed, for this you need only a quarter of an hour a day.

The uniqueness of the Mieko method will appeal to all chubby women, because it is based on charging and pumping fat from the limbs and abdomen to the chest. The advantage of this complex is that each exercise can be performed separately, in a convenient place and at the right time. The main thing is to go through the whole complex of exercises in a day.

1. Keep your arms bent at the elbows at chest level, palms folded in boats, as for prayer. At the expense of 1 - 8, we press hand in hand with force, take a breath, drawing in the stomach, concentrate on the tension of the pectoral muscles. On the exhale, we remove the pressure. Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times. Now we place our palms to the right of the mammary gland and repeat the exercise, move the folded palms to the left and again we do the whole pressure complex.

2. Raise a bent arm up, in a circular motion, warm up its entire surface. We do not change the position of the hand, grasp the forearm with the thumb and forefinger and slowly squeeze fat out of it, starting from the elbow, draw 30 to 50 times from the top to the chest and the same amount from below. Then we change hands.

3. When preparing for bedtime, while lying in bed, intensively rub the top of the abdomen, pinch the skin to feel warm, and then with your index and thumb grab a roller of fat at the waist level on the right and roll it to the chest area. In this way, go through the entire surface of the abdomen from right to left and back several times, but no more than five minutes.

4. It turns out that there is a point on our body, clicking on which we can activate the release of female hormones responsible for the condition of the breast. Put your hands on the thigh of the leg, with your fingertips barely touching the knee, protrude the thumbs and squeeze the surface of the legs. Did you feel pain from the inside of the thigh at a distance of 10 - 12 cm from the knee? This is our point. It can be massaged while sitting at work, in transport, in general, anywhere.

5. The last recommendation from Mieko is to learn how to sleep only on the back and constantly imagine yourself as a beauty with a lush bust.

Exercises that are completely simple and accessible at any age and when performed regularly can work wonders, including enlarging the mammary glands at home.

Enlarge the mammary glands at home using folk methods

For breast growth estrogen needed, which hop cones are rich in nature. Regular intake of decoction from this miracle - plants will help to increase breasts by a whole size. However, with caution, and only after consulting with a gynecologist, this drug can be taken by women who have malfunctions in the menstrual cycle.

It is best to do tincture in a thermos, bay 1 tbsp. hops with a glass of boiling water at night, squeeze in the morning and divide the resulting broth into 4 - 5 parts, which should be drunk half an hour before eating.

Be prepared for the fact that the tincture is very bitter, so you need to drink slowly, in small sips.

We drink a month, a month - a break.

Attention! Further use of the decoction is possible only with the permission of the doctor!

Linden infusion not so saturated with estrogen, but much safer than hop cones, in parallel, it has a rejuvenating effect, which the ladies of the high society of the last century knew about, and drank this composition to preserve youth.

A pinch of dry linden blossom overnight pour a glass of boiling water, put near the bed to drink on an empty stomach in the morning, 20 to 30 minutes before eating. A month to drink - 60 days to take a break. According to user reviews, linden can increase breast size.

Enlarge breasts, and in parallel and improve metabolism, soy will help. In special stores for vegetarians and diabetics, you can buy soy products in various designs, it can be meat, milk, cheese and more. Make soybeans a permanent product on your menu and saturate your body with natural hormones identical to the female ones, capable of enlarging the mammary glands at home. After six months, you will notice that your breasts have increased by half the size.

Keeping your chest toned will help and greenery, which must be present in the daily diet. Young wild garlic, a mixture of dill, parsley and cilantro, added to any dish will not only make its taste unique, but will also contribute to the production of female hormones that nourish the mammary glands.

Enlarge the mammary glands at home: massage and creams

Many women are skeptical of purchased products that promise breast enlargement, but the famous Jacques Courten developed a cream to restore the shape and elasticity of the breast and called it a natural bra. At the same time, he emphasized that breast care products must be nutritious and moisturizing, but in no case anti-cellulite, because the latter are aimed at reducing fat, which is unacceptable for the chest.

However, no matter how you worry about the shape of your breast, during pregnancy and breastfeeding it is strictly forbidden to use any means to strengthen the mammary glands so that the rubbed hormones do not get into the baby's body.

Many oils of plants such as geranium, primrose, patchouli are rich in estrogen. In any pharmacy we get a small essential oil bottle, which is literally a couple of drops added to any vegetable oil and applied to the area around the mammary glands.

Microcirculation around the mammary glands will increase blue clay, used as a mask for the area around the chest, with regular use of which after 2 months the breast cups will become firm and elastic, swollen about half the size.

Manual self-massage increase the effectiveness of creams. When performing massage techniques, remember that the chest is held by a muscle going from the second rib to the clavicle.

Attention! All movements are performed gently, always around the mammary gland, but in no case do we massage the breast itself.

1. We warm our hands by intensive rubbing one against the other, apply cream to the skin around the chest, put our palms on the ulnar edge of the hand, and support the mammary glands. Slowly do stroking and rubbing actions from the chest to the chin, increasing the strength of the effect. We do this 20-30 times.

2. Taking a shower, you can make a strong pressure of cool water and water massage for 3 to 4 minutes along the same lines.

3. If you are attracted to acupressure, then in this case it is best to consult a specialist. Shiatsu massage requires a professional approach to determine the desired points, otherwise you can only do harm.

How to enlarge the mammary glands at home: little tricks

The easiest way to visually enlarge the mammary glands at home is the ability to change the bra using the double push up. Thick pads nicely adhere to the skin of the body and are able to increase the visual perception of the chest by 2 sizes.

- You want to have beautiful breasts, forget about topless sunburn, because the sun dries the skin, reduces its elasticity.

- Daily rinsing of the mammary glands with a contrast shower will cause the muscles that hold the chest to contract, which will also benefit from an increase in skin tone and elasticity.

- Dreaming of a beautiful chest, then learn first of all to walk with a perfectly straight back, because the stoop contributes to the sagging of the mammary glands.

Be sure to constantly smile, because regardless of the size of your chest, your eyes will reflect the inner world of your soul.


Watch the video: How to Increase Breast Size Naturally in 1 Week. Tighten Your Saggy Breast at Home in 7 Days (June 2024).