How to get rid of fear: understand its causes, choose a way, act. Is it possible to cope with fears without professionals?


How to get rid of fear is a question that worries every person from time to time.

After all, it is no secret to anyone that everyone has their own phobias, and this is quite natural.

But what if the fear turns into an obsession and does not allow a normal existence?

Before you find the answer to the excruciating problem, it is worthwhile to understand the causes of the overcoming panic feeling.

Fears: Reasons

Among the many causes of panic attacks, four main ones can be distinguished:

• attachment to things and people;

• diffidence;

• mental trauma of childhood;

• diseases.

A person who has a deep affection for a loved one may be subject to fears about the loss of a beloved object. Therefore, jealousy is nothing but a fear of loss. In this case, the person is not able to identify himself with the individual, since he is completely in psychological dependence on another person.

Often an individual falls under the “power” of material things: money, an expensive car, property. A person begins to pursue obsessive phobias that he can lose all this at any moment. It is common for all people to sometimes feel fear about the loss of a loved one or a very expensive thing. It is sometimes very difficult to determine when the verge of reasonable fear ends and the disease begins. If an individual is constantly haunted by obsessive, panicky thoughts, then perhaps the help of a psychologist will be needed. A specialist will help to understand yourself, identify the main source of phobia and select individual methods that will help get rid of fear.

Insecurity, as well as dependence on people and circumstances, is the worst enemy of man. The lack of faith in oneself, a feeling of internal failure, the inability to change anything in one's life for the better gives rise to the most destructive phobia.

Fear paralyzes, slows down, destroys from within. An individual falls into a vicious circle from which, it seems to him, it is impossible to break out. This reason must and can be fought, but only if there is a passionate desire to get rid of fears.

Self-doubt has roots from childhood. A child, deprived of the attention of loved ones and love, most often grows timid, clogged and unsure of their own abilities. In adulthood, such an individual is regularly harassed by panic attacks. He is deprived of the inner energy that his peers signed, surrounded by care and warmth.

Mental traumas of childhood have the same etiology as uncertainty, and therefore are closely associated with it. A child who was regularly shouted at as a child, physically punished, grows up as an improperly formed personality with many complexes.

Another reason that causes fear in a person and is not related to childhood experiences is illness. Often people suffering from chronic diseases experience anxiety for their lives. Panic attacks begin to prevail over them that at any moment they can lose their lives. Such fear can and should be treated, since in most cases it is unreasonable.

How to get rid of fear: what types of fear can be overcome on your own

There is no one universal remedy or concrete answer to the question of how to get rid of fear. Everything is purely individual and depends largely on the person himself: whether he is ready to face his phobias and start a fight with them.

Overcoming anxiety is a large-scale, persistent work on oneself. If an individual does not find the strength in himself to cope with his own fears, not a single specialist will help him. Success depends on 99% of their own efforts and only 1% of the attending psychologist who will help to understand and direct thoughts in the right direction.

Therefore, you can cope with many types of fear yourself. It happens that a person does not want to seek medical help, but is configured to get rid of his own phobias. In this he can help our mini-guide and a lot of videos on this subject, with which the Internet abounds.

How to get rid of fear: what types of fear are treated only by specialists

Unfortunately, a person is not always able to cope with panic attacks on his own. This primarily concerns those phobias that are associated with deep psychological trauma from childhood.

In this case, not only psychological assistance may be needed, but also hypnotherapy. The result will largely depend on the qualifications of the specialist and his total experience in this direction. Only an experienced psychologist is able to "reach out" to the patient and give multifaceted answers to the question of how to get rid of fear.

Another of the most serious forms of fear is sociophobia, which often can be dealt with only with the help of a psychologist. Sociophobia is not difficult to identify in the crowd. From childhood, they prefer to keep aloof. You will not find them in the yard sandboxes playing with the rest of the children. As adults, such people prefer to avoid public places and choose to work at home.

If you notice the first symptoms of social phobia in yourself or your child, you should immediately solve the problem, since in the future this will lead to serious consequences: the inability to communicate normally with people and fully coexist in society.

How to get rid of fear: step-by-step instructions

1. Visualization. Before you start a fight with an invisible enemy, you need to know him by sight. Answer your questions honestly: what are you most afraid of? “Knowledge is power” is an undeniable paradigm. Once you have decided on your main phobias, be alone with them and imagine the worst that could happen.

Keep imagining until you start to feel numb from your own imaginary phobias. Visualization is often the best way to get rid of fear.

2. Arithmations. Mental attitudes can be a good way to get rid of fear. A person throughout the day, week, months repeats to himself the arithmetic aimed at cleansing from internal anxieties. A simple example of internal attitudes can be the following phrases: “I accept my fears and learn to manage them”; “I let go of my fear,” etc. Our subconscious mind can work miracles. Even if initially the mind refuses to believe your words, over time, the subconscious mind takes your affirmations for granted and starts the “recovery” process. It is very important to take this very seriously, since arithmations are endowed with tremendous power. It is also important to compile them correctly. Your settings should not contain phrases with the particle "NOT." For example, regularly repeating to yourself such a combination as “I am NOT afraid”, you thereby attract even greater panic and anxiety to yourself. The fact is that our subconscious is not able to recognize this particle. Thus, your inner voice hears the opposite: "I'm afraid!". Therefore, incorrectly composed arithmations, instead of positive results, can be harmful.

3. Action. You can talk for a long time about how to get rid of fear, and not move a single step towards overcoming it. Brave people are not those who are not afraid of anything. These are individuals who were able to face their fear and were able to overcome it. Remember, only action conquers fear. Do what you fear most. People who adequately perceive their fear and manage to coexist rationally with it become the most successful.

How to get rid of a child’s fear

Sometimes parents do not want to admit for themselves that they are the main reason for the development of phobias in the child.

Children who have not received parental warmth, hear eternal reproaches about improper behavior, acquire a bunch of complexes that degenerate into fears.

But often the cause of fear in a child may be excessive custody of loved ones. Kids are born, devoid of any types of phobias. And only over time, adults "impose" their fears on the child. Instead of allowing their child to explore the world, parents warn him at every step.

The child grows up, and the deeply stuck words: “don’t go there,” “don’t touch it,” “don’t” take root in the subconscious of the individual. A person becomes indecisive and incapable of great achievements. How to get rid of his own fears, it is difficult for him to understand.

To prevent this, a middle ground must be present in the upbringing of the child.

Embrace the baby more often and say that you love him. It will not be amiss in adolescence. The love and care of others helps children cope with internal fears better than any words.

Parents who do not want their child to grow up deeply insecure should not put many restrictions and severely punish misconduct.

An effective way to get rid of fears in children, experts call the game method. With the help of games, the child is given the opportunity to survive a situation frightening him in a fictional reality. This approach helps the baby emotionally clear of his phobias.

It is very important that games aimed at overcoming fears contain both real and fictional models with a bias in the positive direction.

Such games should inspire and stimulate the incentive to action. Joint pastime with the child in a playful and exciting, laid-back form of communication will certainly give its positive results.

In addition to love, care and hanging out, the child is very urgently in need of approval from adults. That is why you should not forget to praise the child as often as possible. This will help him grow a full-fledged personality.


Watch the video: How To Overcome Fear And Anxiety In 30 Seconds (June 2024).