How to get rid of nasal congestion without harming the body? What medicines and folk remedies help with nasal congestion


Each person at least once in his life, but experiences a condition where his nose is blocked, you have to breathe through his mouth, insomnia occurs, body temperature rises.

But why do breathing difficulties occur due to nasal congestion?

In this article we will try to understand the essence of the problem.

Nasal congestion: causes

At the time of an exacerbation of seasonal diseases, people have a stuffy nose, as well as headaches. As a rule, this is a consequence of colds. But the danger of the disease lies in the fact that untreated diseases, for example, acute respiratory viral infections, can contribute to the development of other chronic infections.

In addition, other causes of disruption in the nasal passages can be noted:

1. As a result of an allergic reaction, mucous edema.

2. Adenoids are enlarged.

3. Polyps are observed in the nasal cavity.

4. The nasal septum is curved.

It is necessary to look for sources of the causes of nasal congestion and react to such a condition if the full-fledged breathing process is disturbed. It consists, first of all, in the following: during exhalation and inhalation, air must circulate fully in both nostrils. At the same time, a person should not have a desire to open his mouth slightly, he does not experience shortness of breath.

Nose stuffed at different times of the day

Often people observe that they have a stuffy nose in the morning, and there are no signs of a cold. That is why it is difficult to find out the moment when the nose stopped working correctly. You should not postpone a visit to the doctor, but before that you can try to independently analyze the situation.

Morning breathing problems are common in winter. The thing is that the humidity in the air is not enough.

But it is much more dangerous when nasal congestion occurs in a dream. This mainly manifests itself when the mucous membrane swells due to allergies.

Other causes and nasal congestion

Often, the lack of full breathing is not the only symptom that a patient can observe. So, for example, cough and nasal congestion may occur at the same time. Moreover, the symptoms are characteristic not only for colds. These signs indicate sinusitis.

Consultation with a specialist is also necessary if the ear and nose are blocked at the same time. Most likely, an inflammatory process arose in the Eustachian tube (it connects the ears and nasal cavity).

How to get rid of nasal congestion: medicines and devices

Quite a lot of patients prefer to use nasal preparations, but all of them give only a temporary effect, which will disappear after some time.

Experts explain how to get rid of nasal congestion and why it is not possible to eliminate inflammation right away. They believe that the inflammatory process, this is nothing but the protection of the body, it is necessary that all stages of the development of the inflammatory process are passed.

Treatment methods should be chosen only in agreement with the doctor, since there is no one universal remedy that could help everyone.

At any pharmacy you will be offered aerosols and drops.

But pharmacists distinguish several types of such drugs:

1. Antiviral - they do not destroy the virus itself, but also do not allow it to spread further.

2. Antibacterial - under the influence of drugs, the body is protected from pathogenic bacteria.

3. Vasoconstrictor drops - due to the temporary narrowing of blood vessels, swelling in the nasal cavity is eliminated.

4. Moisturizing drops - in the pharmacy they are sold in the form of solutions, they moisturize the nasal mucosa and increase immunity.

5. Hormonal nasal drops - the symptoms are relieved for a while.

6. Immunomodulating agents - Natural processes in the body are activated, they produce special substances that help slow down the development of the disease.

Before deciding on a specific tool, consult your doctor. You can not use vasoconstrictor drugs for a long time, since in spite of all their effectiveness, with prolonged use, the symptoms of a cold prolong.

You can rinse your nose with special medicinal solutions - Aqualor, Dolphin.

How to get rid of nasal congestion: folk remedies

Folk remedies allow the patient to get rid of nasal congestion, while not having to spend a lot of money on medications.

There are many alternative remedies in traditional medicine, all of them help to get rid of the problem in a short time:

1. Balm asterisk - it contains essential oils that help with congestion, and most importantly do not do any harm.

2. Drops obtained from Kalanchoe flower. As a result of their exposure, sneezing occurs, during which the body gets rid of viruses.

3. Sea water. You can use a few drops of a solution to cleanse the nose. The disadvantage is that such water does not help right away.

In addition to the use of various means, you need to breathe correctly, try to take a minimum breath in and out for 2-3 minutes. Due to the fact that oxygen will not be enough, the nose will slightly set aside.

Effective folk remedies will be given below, as well as step-by-step instructions for their preparation and implementation of procedures.

How to get rid of nasal congestion: step-by-step instructions

Many people use time-tested folk remedies to get rid of nasal congestion. The following effective recipes are well known:

1. Kalanchoe or aloe juice. The juice needs to be squeezed out of the leaves of the plant, then diluted with water and instilled a few drops into each nostril.

2. Golden mustache. As a rule, tinctures are made on its basis, adding water or alcohol. You can also dilute the product with boiled water, and then drip into the nose. You can use the decoction as a means for washing the nose.

3. Essential oil - an effective tool. In order to increase the effect of the oil, several types can be mixed simultaneously, and then lubricated near the nasal passages. After this procedure, a strong sneeze may appear, but after some time there will be relief and there will be no trace of congestion.

4. Salt Warming. Thanks to heat, the inflammatory process is eliminated. Heat the salt well in a pan, then wrap it in a handkerchief and bring it to your nose, breathe salt vapor for 5 minutes. It is not necessary to take salt, you can replace it with an egg or potato.

5. Honey. Previously, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and buried in the nose. But if you are allergic to this product, you can not use it in any case.

It must be understood that there will be no immediate result, so you should not expect relief after the first treatment procedure.

You can also note other folk methods for the treatment of nasal congestion. Despite the fact that they are not so famous, people still apply them in practice.

The anti-inflammatory effect is mutton fat. Take a cotton swab, dip it in fat, and then gently grease both nostrils.

It is considered useful to breathe over pairs of boiled potatoes, but you need to know some rules in this treatment - you need to inhale with your nose, and exhale only with your mouth. The duration of one procedure is 5 minutes.

If you take a tincture of nettle flowers inside, you can get rid of nasal congestion in a short time. Few people know, but nettle has a vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effect. But you can not use the method for a long time, since side effects can occur.

Experts recommend a tincture of chamomile: take two tablespoons of the plant and pour one glass of hot water, infuse, strain and drink the liquid. The remaining slurry does not need to be thrown out, since it can be applied to the nose.

Folk remedies against nasal congestion are the most effective, but such therapies require a lot of time and patience.

How to get rid of nasal congestion and not harm yourself

Undoubtedly, not always with a stuffy nose you need to go to the doctor. After all, quite often you can independently cope with this condition.

If nasal congestion occurs when inhaling dry air, then treatment is generally not required. Just humidify the air in the room.

In no case do you need to blindly believe in advertising and drip all the “popular” means into your nose. Despite the promised effect, you can use such funds for no more than 5 days so as not to harm. Indeed, many such drugs dry the nasal mucosa and thin it. That is why it is believed that the use of folk remedies is much safer.

But if you can’t determine the cause of this condition yourself, you need to go to the otolaryngologist, especially in cases where a child or a pregnant woman is sick. After all, inept treatment can lead to serious complications.

Only an experienced specialist can tell you how to get rid of nasal congestion at home, and also prescribe the necessary medications for this.

We can not say about prevention. Specific measures, of course, cannot be noted, but nevertheless there are certain measures to avoid nasal congestion. It is important to follow all the rules of personal hygiene, maintain a microclimate in the room, and not contact with sick people.

Nasal congestion is a condition that cannot be ignored in any case, as the disease can only worsen. Therefore, monitor your health and prevent the development of serious diseases.


Watch the video: Nasal Cleansing - Mayo Clinic (June 2024).