Mom breastfeeds, while drinking coffee - is that bad? Is it possible for nursing coffee - is it really a safe drink?


After the birth of the baby, the mother has to forget about many of her habits.

They include a pleasant taste, and a fragrant smell, the drink is coffee.

But is it really impossible to drink with breastfeeding?

Or is it a delusion?

Can lactating coffee: rules for use

If you still decide to cheer yourself up with a cup of coffee in the morning, then you need to take into account the fact that it is an allergen, just like citrus. If you can’t refuse this drink in the morning, you need to carefully monitor the condition of your child. If suddenly he has a rash on his skin, there are problems with the nervous system, then he will have to give up the drink

Negative reaction of the baby

Do not forget that coffee provokes insomnia. Caffeine is excreted from the body for a very long time, especially in children, sometimes this process can drag on for two to three months. Therefore, if mom is too fond of coffee, the child will begin to behave uneasily, will sleep less and stay awake more.

If the baby does not perceive coffee, and you cannot refuse it in any way, try reducing the daily dose.

Is it possible for nursing coffee: when you can’t drink a drink?

Before drinking coffee, be sure to check if it hurts. And also follow these recommendations and cautions:

1. In the presence of allergic reactions. Remember that coffee is the most powerful allergen. If after drinking coffee, the baby reacted very restlessly, refuse it for the entire period of feeding.

2. The central nervous system of the baby is overexcited. As a result of this, the child will become restless, sleep will be disturbed. Caffeine leaves the body for a very long time. First, it gets into the blood of a child, and only after that into the body itself.

3. Consider the age of the baby. In no case should you drink a drink in the first week of a child’s life, as this can lead to disruption of important organs. As a rule, the body of children, up to one, cannot absorb coffee.

4. If the baby has an individual caffeine intolerance, then, of course, you can’t drink it.

If the mother drank coffee throughout her pregnancy, it’s even good, the baby’s body was able to adapt to it in advance, and most likely it will be normal to perceive the fact that mother drinks it now.

Is it possible for nursing coffee: the consequences

If before pregnancy a woman could not spend a day without a cup of her favorite coffee, then of course it will be very difficult to refuse it when breastfeeding. After all, sometimes this is the only way to somehow get distracted and raise your mood a little. But of course, do not forget about the possible occurrence of side effects in a child. These include the following:

dehydration. Coffee is a good diuretic, it removes fluid from the body, and with it all useful substances, including calcium. The child needs to constantly replenish fluid reserves in the body. Bad and diseased teeth can grow due to calcium loss;

allergy. If after mom had a cup of coffee, she immediately went to breastfeed her baby, then you need to carefully monitor how the baby behaves. Whether rashes appeared on the skin, breathing did not change. If everything is good, and nothing is alarming, it means that the baby's body was able to take caffeine, and you can safely drink coffee further, but of course in moderation;

chair disturbance. As a result of dehydration, coffee will remove fluid along with feces. As a result, constipation may occur;

nervous excitement. Due to an excess of caffeine and its constant accumulation in the child's body, nervous agitation, constant moods, and insomnia may occur.

Is it possible for nursing coffee: the secrets of drinking

If you still decide not to give up your favorite drink, then take yourself a few simple tips and rules:

1. In the first month of a baby’s life, completely eliminate coffee. During the first three months of life, the baby’s body adapts to everything that surrounds it, so the appearance of an excess stimulus will simply be nothing.

2. Drink an invigorating drink in the morning, immediately after breastfeeding. The greater the gap before the next feeding, the less caffeine the baby will receive.

3. No more than one cup of coffee is allowed per day.

4. Coffee cups should be the smallest size, thanks to the tiny dishes, you can somehow fool your body, and drink, for example, two such mugs.

5. In order for the child and you to not have dehydration, try to drink as much water as possible.

Is it possible for nursing coffee: the opinion of doctors

When asking a question whether it is possible for nursing mothers to drink coffee, not everyone thinks that they get caffeine daily, but from completely different products. For example, a cold medicine like Citramon contains caffeine. Of the products can be noted green and black tea, chocolate. After all, all these products, nursing mothers consume daily, and do not even realize that there is caffeine.

Important! Doctors do not advise abruptly abandoning habits, including coffee. A sharp rejection of a previously familiar way of life can lead to stress.

As a result, a woman's general well-being may deteriorate, her mood will disappear, and most importantly, lactation may disappear. All of this can also negatively affect the baby.

Despite this, doctors still do not recommend nursing women to drink coffee, it is believed that its use provokes a lack of iron in the body. As a result, the baby may experience anemia.

But you can drink caffeine-free coffee. Therefore, you don’t need to give up your favorite drink at all, just switch to another type, safe.

So, is it still possible for a nursing mother to drink coffee? If you do this in moderation, then yes. But at the same time, of course, you need to carefully monitor your little one if his behavior is changing. If all is well and there is no cause for concern, then why not treat yourself?


Watch the video: Caffeine and Breastfeeding: Can I Drink Coffee while Breastfeeding?! (June 2024).