How to use lemon for immunity. Useful recipes with honey, ginger, lemon for immunity


In anticipation of the onset of cold weather, each person has a fear of catching a cold from the inside, so the supply of various medicines and tablets is sharply replenished.

Why go to the pharmacy and spend huge sums of money, if you can always strengthen your health with natural products.

Honey, ginger, lemon for immunity - this is a trio that gives the body a supply of useful trace elements.

Proper daily use of these products will increase immunity and forget about the common cold and runny nose.

Honey, ginger, lemon for immunity: beneficial properties

Each of these products contains a huge number of useful trace elements, which in combination with each other form a strong vitamin mixture. Drinking home-made drinks based on ginger, honey and lemon is good all year round.

Useful properties of ginger (fresh):

• helps to improve appetite;

• improves digestion;

• helps to remove excess cholesterol from the body;

• cleanses the liver, removes toxins and toxins.

Useful properties of lemon for immunity:

• removes toxins;

• stimulates the brain;

• improves the functioning of the kidneys, liver and heart.

Useful properties of honey:

• stimulates the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

• stabilizes the state of the heart vessels;

• nourishes the body with vitamins.

Honey, ginger, lemon for immunity: how vitamin mixture affects orgasm

There are a lot of immunostimulating drinks based on these components. Simple recipes can be mastered by every housewife at home. Each drink, whether it is syrup or tea, has its own advantages. It is known that lemon for immunity is very useful, and if you add more honey and ginger to it, the result will be stunning. Such tea is much healthier and richer in vitamins than any pharmacy drugs.

In the cold season, the human body weakens, ginger "wakes up" its protective processes and kindles the biological fire. If you add honey and lemon to it, they will act as firewood, which will not allow the heat to dry out.

All useful vitamins and minerals instantly enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. Each cell will be included in the work, the protective barrier will be restored, so it is almost impossible for bacteria to infect a person.

Effects on the body

1. Metabolic processes are accelerated, which allows a person to recover faster from colds.

2. The heat and pain in the temporal region disappears.

3. Reduces inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane.

4. The rate of reproduction of bacteria in viral diseases is reduced.

Immune lemon: base drink with ginger and honey

A drink prepared according to the presented recipe not only strengthens the immune system. Its regular use improves complexion, helps restore strength after a hard day's work.

Making a drink is very simple. The following ingredients will be needed:

• ginger root (2 pieces - about 150 grams);

• fresh honey, not candied - 400 grams;

• 2 large lemons with a thin peel.

When choosing ginger, it’s important to stop by buying a fresh product - it has a strong invigorating aroma. You can add orange or grapefruit to the drink, but a lemon for immunity will be much more useful, so it is preferred.

Step by step recipe

1. With a sharp knife, peel is removed from the root of ginger, then it is crushed with a blender. If there is no blender, you can grate it so that the ginger starts to juice.

2. It is necessary to boil water, for the specified amount of ingredients you will need 4 liters.

3. When the water is ready, prepared ginger is added there. The mixture must be allowed to boil for another 5-7 minutes under the lid.

4. The liquid is filtered, it should turn out to be a light yellow tint.

5. When the drink has cooled slightly, honey is added to it and mixed until it is completely dissolved. In no case should you put the product in boiling water, since under the influence of high temperature it loses all its useful properties.

6. Lemon is added to taste.

A drink with honey, ginger, lemon for immunity is ready to drink. This amount is enough for 2 days.

Ginger Tea and Syrup

Recipe 1: Ginger Tea

To prepare it, you will need a small piece of fresh ginger (a root about 4 cm long), several slices of lemon for immunity and a teaspoon of honey.

Preparation of tea in stages

1. Ginger and lemon are washed under a stream of warm water.

2. Ginger is peeled and cut into small chips, lemon slices.

3. The ingredients are folded in a teapot and poured with boiling water. The drink should be allowed to brew for about 1 hour. When it cools down a little, honey is added there.

Recipe 2: Making Syrup

Honey, ginger, lemon for immunity also work perfectly as a syrup. For cooking, you need the same products that were in the previous recipe, but in triplicate.

Step by step recipe

1. Lemon and ginger are washed under water, are not peeled and cut into small pieces.

2. The components are transferred to a convenient container, then honey is added there. Everything is thoroughly mixed, closed tightly with a lid and stored in the refrigerator.

Other healthy recipes

1. A rich vitamin cocktail. In order to prepare it, you just need to supplement the drink prepared according to the basic recipe described above. A few slices of canned pineapple are added to it. The mixture is placed in the refrigerator, it cools down a bit. The cocktail is very refreshing, enhances immunity and has a simply pleasant taste.

2. Carbonated drink. Honey, ginger, lemon for immunity are brewed in advance in the form of tea. Then it must be allowed to cool completely. When this happens, sparkling water is added there. The mixture is filtered, poured into a bottle and placed in the refrigerator. The drink is very tasty, in the summer it is very refreshing, gives a surge of vigor. In addition, it will be much healthier than any sweet water from the store.

3. During the preparation of a drink with a lemon for immunity, in addition to honey and ginger, you can add fresh mint there (to taste). Pleasant aroma and taste will saturate with energy every cell of the body.

Lemon for immunity with the addition of ginger and honey: possible contraindications

A drink based on honey, lemon and ginger is healthy and tasty. However, he still has some contraindications.

1. It is not recommended to drink tea on an empty stomach or for people who have an increased acidity of the stomach. Ginger irritates the stomach, so it can cause malaise.

2. If there is an individual intolerance to one of the components, you should refrain from drinking the drink.

Immune lemon with ginger and honey, prepared in the form of tea - this is an incredible fortified mixture. It will be useful for both an adult and a child, not only in the winter period of time, but throughout the year.


Watch the video: Immune Booster: 2 Minute Lemon Ginger Tea (June 2024).