Zucchini cupcakes with sausage - an unusual snack! Zucchini muffins with sausage and bacon, cheese, carrots, garlic


Zucchini cupcake is an incredibly tender, tasty, diet snack.

Such pastries can be served for breakfast, dinner, take with you on the road.

Choose a recipe!

Sausage marrow cupcakes - general cooking principles

For cupcakes, it’s not necessary to use young zucchini. You can take a mature vegetable, but you will have to remove the skin from it, the seeds are taken out. Then the zucchini is ground. The easiest way to use this is a grater. Chips are thrown into a bowl, the remaining ingredients are added.

What is put in the dough:

• flour;

• eggs;

• spices;

• greenery;

• various vegetables;

• cultivator.

Sausage is added to the already prepared and mixed dough. The product is cut into strips, cubes, any other pieces. If it is boiled, then you can use a grater, but preferably a large one. Sausage is boiled, smoked, dried, semi-smoked. All kinds of product are suitable for muffins. There are recipes with ham, bacon, chicken, sausages.

Forms for snack cupcakes usually use metal or silicone. In any case, it is advisable to grease the inside with butter. It will contribute to the appearance of a golden crust on the sides of the products. If there are no portioned forms, then you can use one large bowl, for example, for baking cakes or a pan without a handle.

Smoked Sausages Cupcakes

The recipe for simple squash muffins with sausage, which must certainly be smoked. In this case, the pastries will be incredibly fragrant.


• 100 g of sausage;

• 300 g squash;

• 70 g flour;

• 2 eggs;

• 4 g of ripper;

• spices.


1. Three large courgettes, transfer to a bowl convenient for kneading dough.

2. Eggs are broken into another bowl, put salt, pepper, you can add dumb dry or fresh, but finely chopped greens.

3. Beat egg for a minute until light foam.

4. Pour over grated vegetables.

5. Next, pour the flour, add the cultivator. Stir the dough until smooth.

6. Sausage is cut into small cubes up to 5 millimeters, laid out in the already prepared dough. The mass is stirred.

7. Now you need to distribute the dough in the molds. In the process of baking, the cupcakes will rise a little, so we do not fill the form to the top.

8. We send to bake. At a temperature of 190 degrees, cupcakes will be cooked for about 25 minutes. The exact time depends on the juiciness of the zucchini.

Squash muffins with sausage and cheese

The recipe for amazing zucchini cupcakes with sausage, which also goes a little cheese. It is better to use hard grades. You can add different spices to the dough that you like.


• 300 g squash;

• 2 eggs;

• flour 70 g;

• 100 g of sausage;

• 140 g of cheese;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 4-5 branches of dill;

• pepper, sweet pepper, salt.


1. If the zucchini is small, with a thin skin, then just rinse it and rub it. We throw it into a bowl.

2. We also rub the cheese, you can immediately add it to the zucchini.

3. Sausage cut into small cubes. Add dough to the future.

4. Next we throw the dill greens, chopped finely.

5. Break the eggs, pour the cultivator immediately mixed with flour.

6. The dough should be thoroughly mixed, add pepper or other spices to your liking. Salt at the very end so that the zucchini does not let in a lot of liquid. Add a third of a teaspoon.

7. Put the mixed dough into greased tins for standard muffins.

8. Put in the oven at 200 degrees. Snack baking is baked for 15-20 minutes.

Zucchini diet muffins with sausage and cottage cheese

A variant of diet muffins in which boiled sausage is added without fat. You can use dairy or any other sausages. Fat curd arbitrary.


• 200 g of cottage cheese;

• 150 g of sausage;

• 250 g squash;

• 2 eggs;

• an incomplete glass of flour;

• spices;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• oil for molds;

• dill, garlic to taste.


1. Immediately rub the zucchini, sprinkle with salt, leave the rest of the ingredients for the time of preparation.

2. In a bowl, break the eggs, dip the whisk, beat for a minute.

3. Put a packet of cottage cheese to the eggs, beat together. If the product is dry and with grains, then it is better to grind it through a sieve or pierce it with a combine first.

4. Add salted zucchini to the eggs and cottage cheese, which should have already released juice.

5. Now we put all the other spices, herbs and garlic, do it to your taste.

6. Pour the cultivator.

7. Add the flour, achieving the desired consistency. The dough should be viscous, not liquid and not thick, as for the preparation of fritters.

8. Dice the sausage or rub it. Mix with the dough.

9. Pour the mass into the smeared molds, do not make the containers full.

10. Cheesecakes with zucchini are baked for 40-50 minutes. We set and cook at a temperature of 180.

Squash muffins with sausage and cornmeal

The recipe is a very tasty snack cupcakes, which are prepared with the addition of corn flour. The crumb is very beautiful, bright color. Some cheese is also added to these muffins, but you can replace the dough without it.


• 2 small zucchini;

• 3 eggs;

• 150 g of sausage;

• 60 g of wheat flour;

• 100 g of corn flour;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• 70 g of cheese;

• spices, oil.


1. Rub the squash. You can use zucchini, with them, too, baking is obtained.

2. Break the eggs into a separate bowl, throw any spices to them that you plan to lay in the dough. Immediately add a third of a teaspoon of salt. If the sausage is salty, then you can put a little less.

3. Beat eggs with spices, transfer to zucchini.

4. Grate the cheese finely if you add it.

5. Now the turn of flour. If there is no cornmeal, then grind cereal for porridge, sift. Pour both types of flour into the dough.

6. Soda needs to be extinguished with acetic acid. Send to the total mass.

7. Cut the sausage. If it is boiled and without fat, then you can grate, but only with large chips.

8. Connect the sausage with the dough, stir.

9. We shift into forms, set to bake.

10. Cupcakes will be prepared for half an hour, the temperature is 180 degrees.

Zucchini cupcakes with sausage on semolina pastry

A variation of muffins that are made with semolina. Baking is more friable, airy. Flour is also added, but in small quantities. Any sausage, you can take ham.


• 250 g squash;

• 100 g of sausage;

• 3 eggs;

• 4 tablespoons of semolina;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 1 pinch of cultivator;

• salt with pepper;

• a little parsley, dill.


1. Salt grated with large chips, let the vegetables let the juice go.

2. Add eggs, spices, a clove of garlic, previously chopped.

3. Put the flour with semolina, add a pinch of baking cultivator. The mass must be stirred, left for fifteen minutes. The cereal should swell.

4. Cut the sausage into small cubes, lay in the finished dough.

5. It remains to arrange everything in tins, bake in the oven until cooked. It will take about half an hour. Cook at 180 degrees.

Squash muffins with sausage, bacon and garlic

A variant of far from diet muffins, but amazingly tasty, juicy. Bacon for them can be smoked or salted, you will not need it very much. The recipe is garlic, you can take fresh or dry powder.


• 100 g of sausage;

• 70 g of bacon;

• 250 g squash;

• 2 eggs;

• 80 g of flour;

• clove of garlic, herbs;

• 0.5 tsp cultivator;

• 1 spoon of sour cream.


1. Cut the bacon into very small cubes. You can first hold it in the freezer, it will be easier.

2. We also cut the sausage into cubes, send it to a bowl of bacon in a bowl.

3. Rub the zucchini, chop the garlic, herbs.

4. Add eggs with a cultivator to vegetables, pour flour with spices, throw sour cream, stir.

5. We shift the bacon with sausage, the dough is ready!

6. Distribute in batch molds.

7. We bake cupcakes for half an hour at 180. If necessary, you can add time.

Zucchini muffins with sausage, carrots and onions

A variation of carrot muffins with zucchini and onions. Finished products are very bright, mouth-watering, any sausage can be used for them.


• 150 g carrots;

• 200 g squash;

• 50 g of onions;

• 150 g of sausage;

• 3 eggs;

• spices;

• 120 g flour.


1. Rub carrots and zucchini. You can use the combine. All at once we throw in a large bowl.

2. Add the eggs.

3. Onion chop finely, you can also add garlic. We shift into the dough.

4. Pour spices, flour, stir. Do not forget to add a ripper to make the cupcakes soft.

5. Cut the sausage, you can make small straws.

6. Stir the dough, distribute in oiled forms.

7. Set to bake. The temperature is around 190 degrees, the time is about 35-40 minutes.

Sausage marrow cupcakes - tips and tricks

• The muffins will have a crisp and golden crust if sprinkled with semolina after greasing. You can also use bread crumbs, but they must be white.

• You can cook muffins not only with regular zucchini, but also zucchini. They behave perfectly in the dough, combined with sausage and the baking is very tender.

• Snack cakes will be even tastier if bacon, smoked breast or ham, ham and other products are used instead of sausages. You can add raw mincemeat directly to the dough.

• Want to make a cupcake with a filling? Do not add sausage to the total mass. Cut the product into cubes, put each piece in the center of the mold, bake in the usual way.

• Cupcakes can be baked not only in the oven, but also in the slow cooker. True, in this case only one will turn out, but it’s big. The baking mode is used. Usually a full cycle of 50-60 minutes is enough.


Watch the video: How To Make Easy Zucchini Fritters - Must Try Recipe (June 2024).