Hard diets for emergency weight loss: a selection of the best. Advantages and disadvantages of strict diets, all side effects


A tough diet is a menu that includes a set of low-calorie foods. Most often, following the menu is allowed for no longer than one week, since such a regimen does not give the body all the nutrients necessary for normal functioning.

It is important to understand that “hard” weight loss techniques are acceptable no more than once every few months. If you strictly follow all the rules, you can quickly lose weight without harm to your body.

Advantages and disadvantages of a “rigid” weight loss system

A tough diet is an emergency opportunity to lose weight before the holiday, for example, to fit into your favorite jeans. Despite the attractiveness of the system, you need to remember about its "pitfalls."

Advantages of the technique

1. Low cost. The menu is most often composed in such a way that a lot of costs per person are not required. The list of products is scarce.

2. Rapid weight loss. By clearly following the menu, you can lose from 500 grams to 1 kg per day.

The disadvantages of the method

1. As soon as the weight leaves, it comes back. This is the case if, at the end of the diet, return to the usual diet, do not make the right menu, which will keep the body in good shape.

2. Products of the menu of "emergency" diets contain few nutrients necessary for a person to maintain normal life. For this reason, during the period following the procedure, you may feel slight dizziness, malaise, even nausea.

Grapefruit Emergency Weight Loss

Grapefruit is an amazing product. It was proved that if you include it in your diet daily, you can normalize your metabolism, get rid of fatty layers, and keep yourself in good shape. Not surprisingly, this particular product is an integral part of one of the most effective emergency diets.

The method menu is designed for a week. During this period, the approximate weight loss will be 4-7 kg (depending on the baseline).

Day 1

1. Morning. Fresh grapefruit juice, 100 grams of natural nonfat yogurt.

2. Lunch. Finely chopped cabbage salad seasoned with lemon juice. Sliced ​​grapefruit is added there. The product will help make the dish more satisfying, while starting the process of burning calories.

3. Dinner. With a glass of grapefruit juice one hour before bedtime.

Day 2

1. Morning. Two slices of bran bread, half grapefruit and unsweetened green tea (can be replaced with a cup of natural coffee).

2. Lunch. The second half of grapefruit, 100 grams of cottage cheese and 2 slices of hard cheese.

3. Dinner. 150 grams of green salad - parsley (dill), cabbage, cucumbers. The ingredients are seasoned with low-fat yogurt, or olive oil.

Day 3

1. Morning. 100 grams of muesli, 1 cup of fresh grapefruit juice.

2. Lunch. 1 whole grapefruit, boiled egg and 100 ml of chicken stock.

3. Dinner. 100 grams of boiled rice without salt, half grapefruit (one hour before bedtime).

Day 4

1. Morning. Lemon tea without sugar, 1-2 crispbread, grapefruit slice.

2. Lunch. 150 grams of "green" lettuce, ladle of grapefruit.

3. Dinner. Braised zucchini or liver beets (50-70 grams), a glass of grapefruit juice.

Day 5

1. Morning. Citrus salad - finely chopped grapefruit, orange, a green apple is added there. The dish is seasoned with lemon juice, it is allowed to drink a cup of coffee (only natural).

2. Lunch. Salt-free cabbage salad seasoned with olive oil or low-fat sour cream (maximum 150 grams).

3. Dinner. 100 grams of boiled rice, 15 minutes before bedtime a glass of fresh grapefruit juice.

Day 6 and day 7 - select any menu of past days, which is most liked.

Buckwheat diet

The diet on buckwheat porridge is very popular among the fair sex. This is one of those unique techniques where hunger and discomfort are not felt, excess weight in my eyes “melts”.

It is worth noting that a rigid diet on buckwheat will also be useful:

• cereal contains iron, as well as calcium, magnesium, necessary for the human body;

• Vitamin B strengthens the immune system, relieves nervous tension, helps to cope with stress;

• buckwheat strengthens blood vessels, and also helps to improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

The approximate duration of following the procedure is 7 days. If you wish, you can also 10 days, if you need the best result and there is no ailment.

Important nuance - Buckwheat for the diet is strictly forbidden to cook, salt and sugar are not added to it, otherwise there will be no effect. Cereals are prepared according to a "special recipe". In the evening, a glass of buckwheat is poured into a small saucepan, it is poured with two glasses of boiling water. The container is covered with a lid, wrapped in a towel, cleaned in a warm place to brew. In the morning porridge will swell. You can use it during the day as much as your heart desires. Of course, without salt and sugar it is not so tasty, but incredibly effective for weight loss.

Hard Kefir Monodiet

A strict diet on kefir is allowed only to those who do not have health problems. If there are ailments associated with the digestive tract, it is strictly forbidden to follow the method.

The maximum duration is 3 days. Longer on this diet is forbidden to "sit" even to a healthy person.

Sample day menu

1. Morning. On an empty stomach, drink a glass of kefir, in half an hour natural coffee with milk, 2-3 tablespoons of sauerkraut.

2. Lunch. 100 grams of vinaigrette, drink a glass of kefir.

3. At mid-afternoon you need to drink another glass of kefir, eat 2-3 tablespoons of sauerkraut.

4. Dinner. Boiled fish (no more than 100 grams), half an hour before bedtime kefir (add a pinch of cinnamon to it).

Kefir should be taken only low fat content (not more than 1%). It is important to eat 4 times during the day. This will allow you not to experience feelings of hunger. Following the procedure will allow you to lose at least 2 kg in 3 days. The diet is rigid, only a person with strong willpower can master it.

Milk diet

Milk will be the ideal product for a strict diet for those who like this product. Duration of weight loss - 3 days. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, you can lose from 3 to 5 kg.

Sample menu

1. Throughout the first day, you must drink low-fat milk - every 2.5-3 hours, 1 glass. Care must be taken not to disturb the "system" so that hunger is not felt.

2. The second day - the principle is the same, only now you will need to drink a glass of milk every 1.5 hours.

3. The last day is a little easier. The stomach will narrow, hunger will not be felt. You need to overpower yourself, every 30 minutes to drink a glass of milk.

Useful advice - milk should be drunk in small sips.

It is necessary to get out of a rigid diet on milk correctly, otherwise the lost kilograms in a few days will return back in even greater quantities. In the first few days after the end of the methodology, the emphasis is on green vegetables - cabbage, cucumbers, celery is allowed. It is necessary to eat 150 grams of salad per day. Next, the usual foods are introduced into the diet. The main thing is not to abuse fried, sweet, smoked.

Strict diet on natural juices

Natural juices contain a huge amount of nutrients, as well as vitamins necessary for human health. Moreover, they stimulate the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body, help cleanse the intestines.

Such a diet can be followed for 10 days, no longer. The results are amazing - excess weight goes away, health is normal. Despite the fact that the technique is tough, it is extremely useful.

A week before the planned weight loss, you must categorically refuse any tea, alcohol, seasonings, coffee. This will allow the body to get a little used to the upcoming changes, the diet will be better tolerated.

Juice diet rules

1. Only natural juices diluted with pure still water in a ratio of 1 to 1 are allowed to drink.

2. Drink the drink in small sips immediately after it has been prepared.

3. During the day, a maximum of 1.5 liters of natural juice is consumed, while it is allowed to mix vegetable and fruit with each other.

4. Those who want to get rid of the hated excess weight as soon as possible are recommended to focus on juices from vegetables such as beets, cabbage, pumpkin.

In diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, disruption of the digestive tract, a juice diet is strictly prohibited.

Some aspects of the organization of the diet

Regardless of which extreme diet was chosen, if there are several general rules that are relevant for all methods.

1. Even if a diet was chosen on milk or on juices, one should not forget to drink plain water without gas (at least 1.5 liters per day).

2. At the time of the "extreme" method of weight loss, it is recommended to abandon excessive physical exertion. Only morning exercises are allowed.

3. The menu of the presented effective methods is rather scarce, the body lacks nutrients. In order not to feel weakness, malaise, it is recommended to take an additional multivitamin complex.

A rigid diet is the ability to bring your body into shape in the shortest possible time. Following the main rules of the technique, you can avoid the "return" of excess weight.

The main thing is to remember that resorting to such a "tough" technique is allowed no more than once every 3 months, otherwise the metabolism in the body will be impaired.


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