Crackers of white bread - crunch! White bread croutons with tomato, garlic, cheese, herbs, sugar, cinnamon


White bread is a little stiffened - it doesn’t matter! You can always turn it into a delicious croutons with a variety of seasonings and spices.

Basic principles for making white bread crackers

For crackers, you can use almost any white bread. It can be a brick loaf, and a loaf, and a sweet sweet bun. You can "save" in this way the bread that has stale and has begun to grow stale. The main thing is that it should not be moldy, should not have an unpleasant rancid smell. Such bread cannot already be eaten. But if you wish, you can turn a fresh bun into crackers.

A dried bread has its advantages: it is stored longer, and is also considered more useful than fresh. In addition, preparing crackers, you can give them a variety of tastes - salty, spicy, sweet, spicy. And depending on this, either serve with soup and put in a salad, or use as a treat for tea.

What can be added to white crackers? Black pepper, paprika, onions and garlic, any herbs or greens, tomato paste, and sugar and cinnamon are indispensable for sweet crackers.

You can cook crackers both in a pan and in the oven. There are recipes where the bread cubes are first a little fried with oil and seasonings and only then sent to the oven, where they are dried until tender.

Bread can be cut into strips, cubes, small squares (cubes), triangles or make oval crackers, cut into slices according to the original shape of the loaf. The drying time in the oven also depends on how large the pieces are. At the same time, crackers must be mixed several times, otherwise the cubes of medium or large size will be unevenly browned, and small ones can quickly burn.

At what temperature is it best to cook white bread crumbs in the oven? If you choose high (180-200), crackers will lighten faster, but you need to be more careful, otherwise they will burn. And you can slowly dry it at 120 degrees, it will take from half an hour to 45 minutes, but there’s less chance to burn crackers. Readiness is determined by the golden color.

White bread cheese crackers

Ready-made cheese crackers, which are sold in bags, most often have nothing to do with real cheese. They have only flavorings and flavor enhancers. For homemade crackers with natural ingredients, you can choose your favorite cheese, but parmesan is especially good.


Half a loaf of white bread;

50-60 grams of cheese.

Cooking method

First, cut the bread: make the cubes of the desired size. We shift future crackers on a baking sheet. Three cheese through a grater and pour it on top into bread slices. You can also add a little salt to crackers.

We don’t do the oven too hot, 120 degrees is enough. Rusks will slowly brown for half an hour. Do not forget to periodically mix them.

Oven crackers with white onion in the oven

Fragrant and spicy. The sharpness of crackers can be adjusted by adding the amount of spices to your taste, it is advisable to leave garlic and onions unchanged in this recipe.



two tablespoons of olive oil;

one onion;

a tablespoon of vinegar;

two cloves of garlic;

spices: ground ginger, black pepper, salt, herbs - to taste.

Cooking method

We cut the baton into small cubes. Grind onions and garlic with a blender and fry in olive oil for a couple of minutes. Then add the selected spices to them.

Dry the bread slightly in a not too hot oven (130-140 degrees). Then pour crackers into a deep bowl, pour a spicy mixture of oil and spices on them, mix well.

Now you need to return the bread to the oven again. We put parchment on a baking sheet and pour crackers on it. Dry them for another quarter hour until tender.

White bread crumbs in the oven with salt and garlic

One of the most beloved and popular types of crackers. We prepare them in the form of bread sticks, whetstones, which are convenient to use as a snack.


500 grams of white bread;

six to seven cloves of garlic;

one and a half teaspoons of salt;

80 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Cut the bread into rectangular cubes. Mix finely chopped garlic and salt with vegetable oil.

So that crackers are properly saturated with this mixture on all sides, pour it into a durable bag. We put chopped bread there. Tie the bag and gently shake it several times so as not to crumble the pieces.

Pour crackers on a baking sheet. We put for ten to fifteen minutes in a hot oven (200 degrees). Be sure to mix the slices of bread so that they do not burn and become evenly golden.

White bread croutons in garlic butter with herbs

Not everyone likes when sliced ​​toasted garlic comes in ready-made crackers. In this variation, the bread is soaked in aromatic butter. And garlic itself can be easily removed.


Half a loaf of white bread;

olive oil;

three cloves of garlic;

fresh parsley;



a pinch of ground paprika.

Cooking method

We will not cut the garlic, just crush it with a knife on the board. We make garlic olive oil, for this we warm it in a pan with garlic. Also put some paprika.

Diced bread, put in a pan with aromatic oil and brown. Season with thyme, rosemary and chopped parsley. Fry for another half a minute - and the spicy crackers are ready!

Oven crackers in the oven with greens and tomato flavor

For such crackers, you can use not only tomato paste, but also ketchup. Unlike pasta, it does not need to be further diluted with water, and it already has spices. From greens, dill or finely chopped onion feathers, as well as basil, are suitable. If desired, garlic can be added to tomato crackers.


Half a loaf of white bread;

a tablespoon of tomato paste;

several branches of dill;

a tablespoon of water;

ground black pepper;


50 ml of olive oil.

Cooking method

Cut white bread into cubes (chopsticks). Grind the dill.

We add water, oil, herbs, pepper and salt to the tomato paste.

Spread the tomato mixture on each bar. It remains to put on a baking sheet, send in the oven and dry.

White bread croutons for Caesar salad

For homemade salad - hand-made crackers. To “Caesar” you can make ordinary garlic croutons, and you can add them a sharp and spicy taste with onions and herbs.



onion quarter;

tablespoon of apple cider vinegar;

four cloves of garlic;

50 ml of olive oil;

black pepper, salt, Italian herbs.

Cooking method

To make the salad look presentable, crackers are best made in the form of small, if possible equal and even cubes. So cut our bread. First, dry on a baking sheet for about ten minutes in the oven. The temperature is 120.

In the meantime, make a gas station. Combine oil and vinegar, pour into a pan. Fry garlic and onion crushed with a blender on this mixture. Solim. Add herbs and pepper.

Put the slightly dried bread in a deep bowl. Pour it with hot oil with spices. We try to mix better so that the dressing gets into all the pieces.

Raise the temperature to 200 degrees. Brown the crackers for another ten minutes.

Oven sweet white bread crackers

For sweet crackers, it is good to use buns, a loaf of raisins, poppy seeds, and cinnamon. But you can add sweets to ordinary white bread using this recipe.



one glass of sour cream and sugar.

Cooking method

Cut the loaf into slices. Spread the sour cream in a bowl. Pour sugar in a plate.

Dip each slice of the loaf first in sour cream, then in sugar and immediately put on a baking sheet. In a hot oven (200 degrees), dry until golden for five to ten minutes.

White bread croutons with cinnamon

Another version of sweet crackers, only this time the oven is not needed, we will cook them in a pan.


Half a loaf;

60 grams of sugar;

a teaspoon of cinnamon;

50 grams of butter.

Cooking method

Mix sugar and cinnamon in a bowl. Fry the diced loaf in a pan in melted butter.

Once the crackers become rosy, sprinkle them with a sugar-cinnamon mixture. Cooking another half a minute.

White bread croutons with paprika

Such crackers will be a spicy and tasty addition to pea soup or chicken broth.


3-4 slices of white bread;

20 grams of butter;

a tablespoon of ground paprika.

Cooking method

Cut the bread into cubes. Put butter in a pan and let it melt over low heat. Pour paprika into the oil.

In this aromatic mixture, fry the bread slices for one minute. We shift to a baking sheet, dry in the oven for about ten minutes. Serve as a soup or as an independent snack.

White bread crackers - tips and tricks

· To make crackers crunch well, before serving, let them cool completely.

The following method helps to coat crackers well with a seasoning mixture: mix all the spices with butter, put this mixture in a bag and pour bread cubes there. Shake several times.

· If crackers are fried in a frying pan in oil, they are not subject to long storage, as well as sweet crackers with raisins, sugar. But the pieces of bread dried in the oven without additives can be stored in a paper bag for several weeks.

· The optimum storage temperature of homemade crackers is from zero to + 15.


Watch the video: How To Make CRISPY Baked Sweet Potato Fries, Healthy Recipe! Mind Over Munch (June 2024).