What will it be for you April 23: a special female horoscope for all zodiac signs


One day may seem so small compared to a year or an entire spring.

But if you think about it, it turns out that this is a whole world and a unique part of life.

And the stars have "their own view" on how it can pass and what is possible in it. The female horoscope for all the signs of the zodiac offers to make out the most important things in this April day, but also not to miss out on trifles, just as miners, rejoicing in apple-sized nuggets, do not miss gold particles the size of a grain of sand.



Try to spend the day not alone, but trusting one hundred percent to another person. Perhaps it is precisely your intimacy that is not enough for you as a shield against overwork and depression. At work, they will wish to see you as Vasilisa the Wise, but do not rush to be generous if the prospect of reward does not satisfy. Your color today is cool mint and strawberries or cherry with cream. A visit to a sale may be successful, but not for buying shoes - your legs will get tired already in the morning and more will just need a bath with healing herbs.



Today you will be carried in your arms. Perhaps for romantic reasons and almost literally. Any date will succeed as if you are a witch and put on a love spell. However, beware of feeding the man his own cooked-up dinner - he has a sluggish appetite and wants something more “like mom’s”. Unload from household chores, for example, by laying a bed with ironing. On such a sleep, they say even more useful.



Be careful with gifts not from acquaintances, like good people - this is how you can catch spoilage or evil eye. But as if in comfort, this day is favorable for choosing a dietary program. Learn from the same Friday to give yourself small portions of rest at work - otherwise you risk getting acquainted with such a phenomenon as "professional burnout". Someone will try to change your views, but do not give in and then you will be able to lure this person to your side.

You can meet a man as attractive as a hero in a love story, but take a closer look at his shortcomings ... because the heroines of so many books were let down by the inability to do this and the thirst for love here and now, no matter what.



If a dragon had kidnapped you today, you would have forced him to clean up the cave and conducted a psychoanalysis session, after which he would become more diligent than the kitten. In a word, you are capable of much today. Therefore, in the morning, put things into two imaginary baskets and one that with everything that can be put aside and insignificant, send a heel into the closet with a decisive blow. Your achievements will be brilliant and glorious, like a crop of hundreds of gardens.


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a lion

There is nothing wrong with the desire for a fabulous life, but it is not always safe to be her character. Recently, you have lost initiative and prefer, like Cinderella, to wait for the mercies of fate. However, if you take everything into your own hands and are not afraid to supplement your dreams with risks and labor, you will soon be able to find everything and even a little more. And this spring day is ideal for relaxed care of your beauty - a long bath, masks and a glossy magazine - such a holiday will give you the lightness that winged fairies do not have.



You will be sad if you compare the plans for the spring with what is currently happening in your life. A little more and you will have every reason for the fall of self-esteem at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. But in April there are days when even a hopeless situation can turn into something miraculous. Today is just that. Gather your strength and act. But even if you are tempted by the prospect of sorting it out today, prefer to partially resolve many issues, which will allow you to create a truly solid and diverse foundation for success in the near future.



This April day is not for serious matters, but for summing up. Do not make large purchases and long trips. Pat around the house. Do not engage in problematic conversations with others. Take care of your inner world. And even today your past relationships will make themselves felt in some way, and not at their best ... Consider this as a test of Fate - if you keep a smile and a positive attitude, faith in the best by the end of the day, you will be spared almost all the failures on this spring.



No sooner do the cuckoos sing in the forests, when you find yourself at a crossroads. And what you really want should be considered from today. The old known, stable, but excluding fantasy, or new, bright, but still unknown, not the easiest. Get notes with pluses and minuses and get ready to make a decision. But also do not miss that which is closer, here and now ... You will have a frank conversation about love, someone will give a gift ... And only today can you truly appreciate the taste of simple dietary vegetables for a couple.



On this day, as if you were the heroine of a fairy tale, you need to be silent ... Otherwise, you will spill the secret or quarrel unintentionally. But movement is your essence today. Running in the park or walking is not important, but it is in the movement that you will think the easiest. Refuse green clothes today - leave this paint to nature, and for the best energy nourishment - prefer noble purple shades. And surprisingly, today you are a predator. Eat more meat, so as not to weaken.



Today you are going to attract bad guys like a magnet. Not monsters, but simply - unworthy personalities, rude and looking for easy connections. And as if in contrast to this, as a gift from spring, you will be highly appreciated at work and even trusted to lead someone. However, all this fades slightly against the background of the fact that on this day, by the will of the stars, by their signs in the world around you, your future may open in the areas of love, marriage and motherhood.



The most fruitful work awaits you in someone's society, when you have to take into account the interests of another person, although you don’t really want to. An unexpected source of income may open up and for the sake of maintaining the right energy - spend this modest profit only on yourself. You can make many successful purchases in the cosmetics store, as well as where all kinds of decorative products for the home are located.



This spring will fulfill your wishes, but sometimes bizarre. Do you want a tasty meal? Here is a brand new frying pan and a book of Italian recipes. Therefore, to attract something into life, let every “want” is supported by the correct picture in the imagination. Today you will learn the news, which will have to reflect a lot. And if you were planning to visit the atelier - hurry. His craftswomen will create something worthy of Paris Fashion Week.


Watch the video: 10 Unknown facts about Aries. March 21 - April 19. Horoscope. Do you Know? (June 2024).