Scientists: women with wide hips are more sexually active


According to statistics, women with wide hips are much more sexually attractive than their "narrow-hip" tribeswoman. In addition, curvy ladies more favorably refer to one-time sexual encounters.

The study involved 148 women (age - 18-26 years) with sexual experience. Byrd, exceeding 36 cm. Was considered to be wide, less than 31 cm. - narrow. After measurements, participants in the experiment were asked to answer questions. Among them were, in particular, questions concerning the onset of sexual activity, the number of partners, and the average length of the relationship.

The results of the experiment showed that women with wide hips, had a large number of partners, and those who had hips only a few centimeters were much smaller.

It also turned out that curvaceous ladies had crushed a significant amount of one-time contacts. According to experts, the ligament width of the hips-sexual activity can be explained by the process of childbirth. After all, for wide-legged women, the process of having children is usually much less traumatic than for women with narrow hips.


Watch the video: Scientists Have Figured Out What Makes Women Attractive (June 2024).