A means to strengthen the nails at home


No woman has encountered, and will be faced with the problem of nail strengthening. Now it is quite simple to strengthen the nail plate with gel, biogel or acrylic powder, but you can use simple baths on natural ingredients. Learn how to do a manicure at home step by step instructions on the photo on this site.

Strengthen nails at home recipes

At home it is quite simple and affordable to make many recipes. On the Internet there are many videos with a detailed description.

Effective way - applying olive oil. 1 tbsp. l oils heat a little (can be in the microwave or in a water bath), add 4 drops of lemon juice and mix. The mixture is applied to the nails and cuticle, carefully rubbed. This procedure is done overnight. As soon as you smear the manicure with the mixture, wear cloth gloves and leave until morning.

Baths from sea ​​salt also very helpful. For this in 0.5 liter of warm water dissolve 1 tsp. sea ​​salt. Dip your fingers in the solution and hold for 20 minutes. After the bath, apply a rich cream and soak the nail plate well. The feedback on this method is extremely positive, only if the salt gets into the wound or the crack is not easy.

Very goodmasks with red pepper. Mix 0.5 tsp. red pepper with the same amount waterss and hand cream. After the agent melt and let cool. Put on nails and hold for 15 minutes, wash off. The nail plate should be covered with pepper completely, it will be good to capture the cuticle. Pepper-based recipes should be used once a month.

Bath for nail growth and strengthening at home

Also to strengthen well use beeswax. This material, of course, is not so easy to get, but a beautiful and healthy manicure is guaranteed for a month. A piece of wax melt and rub with egg yolk. The tool must be diluted with any oil to form a cream. It is good to apply all this for the night.

In order not to cover the manicure with gel, use baths based on iodine. AT 200 ml. water dissolve 1 tbsp. l salt and 5 drops of iodine. The procedure is done for 15-20 minutes, and after a week you will notice how the nail plate is strengthened.

Good folk method is juice of sour berries. Squeeze the juice and apply it on the growth of nails, not forgetting about the cuticle. If you do not want to use acrylic powder or biogel, and the plate is very weak, use honey bath.

Connect olive oil and honey in the same proportions (2 tablespoons) and melt. After cooling hammer in the egg and grind mixture. Use a hand bath for more than 15 minutes, after washing your hands without soap. This tool has received mostly good reviews.

At home, to strengthen you can apply recipes. from gelatin. Make a jelly out of a tablespoon and place it on nail plates. Hold 10 minutes.

Vitamins for nail strengthening - reviews after nail strengthening

Reviews of girls who took vitamins to strengthen mostly neutral. Those who drank Perfectil noted that they did not see any changes in the growth of the nails. Putnovigar received good reviews if you take it for at least 3 months. You can also drink Vitrum, but you will not see dramatic changes either. Reviews show that it is better to drink a course of ordinary vitamins in drops, but only in conjunction with therapeutic baths. To learn more about these or other vitamins, see their video reviews.

Strengthening nail acrylic powder and acrylic

Technology strengthening acrylic powder at home is not difficult. The procedure begins with the application of the base on the plate. Then you need to fill the nail with acrylic powder (can be abundant, as it leaves no flaws).

The next stage is drying in the lamp. It lasts about a minute. Remove residues of acrylic with a sponge moistened with alcohol. Now you can apply gel polish, but it is better to choose the basis for it too. Acrylic powder is easier to use than gel or biogel, these funds spread. It is removed easily and for beginning masters acrylic is the simplest material.

Strengthening the nails under the gel polish with acrylic powder requires only perseverance, and the cost will be much less than the gel. View video tutorials on applying this technology.

Strengthening nails with biogel and gel step by step instructions

Let's figure out how to cover your nails with gel and biogel at home, step by step. This procedure starts from sanding a manicure. Using a small nail file, gently grind the plate and cover it with the base, dry it in the lamp.

Next - cover the base layer. Here you should not confuse building and strengthening gel. It is necessary to make a thick layer of gel and dry for 2 to 4 minutes. If the product is on the skin, clean it with a degreaser. Now we put the finish, sawdust do not need. After apply varnish, pigment or rhinestones. We recommend to watch thematic video lessons so as not to confuse the procedure with the extension.

With biogel work easier. It was originally intended to strengthen. Only biogel with hard coating can increase manicure. The recovery system consists of the following steps:
• shaping and length
• degreasing
• applying base
• color coating
• design
• top cover

You can degrease as a special tool, and medical alcohol. Now we apply the base with one thin layer, without affecting the cuticle. Dry the product in the lamp for 1 min. After applying color or transparent biogel. It is applied with a brush from the end of the plate and dried for 90 seconds. For saturated color, you will need to repeat this step. You can apply varnish, make a french or moon manicure. Since the cuticle area remains unaffected, it must be sealed with a transparent tool and also dried for 30 seconds. As the design is done, proceed to the top cover. It is made transparent biogel. On the Internet there are many videos with the modeling of manicure biogel.

In any case, the baths are much better, because gel bases give a mechanical result. Traditional recipes are very diverse. Watch a video selection of available recipes and choose the best option for yourself. Many products for the improvement of manicure offers Avon and pharmacy cosmetic lines.


Watch the video: HOW I FIXED MY DAMAGED NAILS (July 2024).