Best novels and books: what to read at your leisure? What novel does the housewife or business woman consider the best: favorite books of modern women


When a housewife is bored at home, and a business woman has a free moment, the question is what to do. Of course read a book. Selecting the right book is not always easy, and here our special TOP-best novel books will help anyone.

Timeless. The Ruby Book, Kerstin Gere

One of the rare books that is read in one breath and will be interesting to any girl, regardless of her age. Every person at least once in his life wondered what he would do if he were in the past. The reader will have the opportunity to dream about moving decades ago and try on a time traveler’s gene for himself from the first pages of the novel. This bestseller of the German writer Kerstin Gere is for those who like to fantasize and are a fan of history. The genre of the book is historical fantasy.

The Green Mile, Stephen King

The Green Mile enters the list of best novels of books. Passing by Stephen King is generally impossible. This work will be interesting not only for the better half of humanity, but also men will enjoy this story. The protagonist is an old man named Paul Edgecomb, who worked all his life as a prison guard. He accompanies the convicts to an electric chair. The journey takes several minutes along the corridor, covered with green linoleum. It would seem that there is no time to think about the eternal, but for the criminal this is a long mile. Everyone in prison will have their own green mile. The last ward of the hero of the book is a dangerous criminal who turns out to be a simple and responsive person in life. He manages to cure Paul of a long-suffering disease. The reader will be asked whether a person possessing such a gift can be a killer. Sometimes there is no answer to the question “why”. And this is scary. The genre of the book is mysticism.

"While You Were Not," Maggie O'Farrell

This is a novelty from the genre of modern foreign prose, which is worthy of the attention of the reader. The husband of the main character Greta leaves the house for a couple of minutes to get a newspaper and no one from the family sees him anymore. It would seem that such an event will cause contention in family relationships. But this sad incident brings the family together. The discord between older children is fading into the background. The sisters who had been at war for many years now rack their brains over the cause of the disappearance of their father. The brother, who for a long time failed to create his own family and who reconciled with the role of a loser, is now the support and support of his mother and sisters. The reader will be intrigued by the fact that Greta has a secret. And far from everything is not so simple. The writer raises the current topic of the relationship between people.

"France. A Year in Provence," Peter Mail

Someone has a vacation and has no idea what to read. Considering what the best novels of the book today are. Anyone does not fail, opting for a book by the famous English writer Peter Mail. Each of us wants to change our life one day. The reader will be able to do this with the main characters of the novel. Classics of English humor plus amazing French cuisine will not leave the reader indifferent. This novel will help get rid of the bustle of the city, feel the originality and charm of the French countryside and become for the reader an original guide to Provence. This is an opportunity to plunge into the world of love for life. The best novel is intended for those who love travel and are aware that there is life outside the stuffy city and it is beautiful.

Echo Debut, Max Fry

Book from a series of the best books of novels in the field of the detective genre. This story is for those who are tired of a tiring and boring life and want to diversify it. The reader will plunge into the crazy world of the mysterious city of Echo. Together with the hero will exist in parallel in two worlds. The book is for those who like to puzzle over the riddle of crime and are tired of everyday life. The fantastic world of the city is thought out to the smallest detail. The novel is easy to read and it is not difficult for the reader to draw an analogy with the world in which we live.

"#My (un) ideal life," Sophie Kinsella

The book is written in the genre of a love story. This is a modern story that readers will like, because most of their lives are spent on social networks. The theme of the novel is very relevant. Many girls live a pseudo-life on Instagram. What is behind the perfect photo in the social media stream. Creating a beautiful life on the Internet is easy, but what is it like to fool yourself. The writer urges to be more tolerant of people and not to believe beautiful pictures. Life will put everything in its place. A cup of coffee will be a good addition to a pleasant female romance.

"Red Notebook or Paris Quest" Cherchez la femme ", Antoine Lauren

This is a romantic love story. The book that the man wrote is clearly intended for women. The main character finds a handbag, having looked into which, he understands how important it is for him to find its owner. The hero will have to travel the weight of Paris in search of a stranger. This is a charming story in which there is everything: love, small French streets, cozy cafes and the opportunity to feel like a Parisian. All the accidents in this life are not accidental, but we ourselves build our fate. If you like romantic books, then reading this novel will give you pleasure.

"Random Tourist", Anne Tyler

Despite the fact that the book is full of drama and passions, it is read in one breath. This is a novel about family values ​​and the fact that people do not always manage to save them. In the family of the main characters, a child dies. They cannot find support from each other and trouble, instead of uniting, sets them apart. Now these are random tourists wandering around in the hope of changing it for the better. Each of the heroes escapes as best he can while fleeing grief. There will be no happy end in the novel, but there is a true reality that many face in life. Series - the best novels of the book, genre - drama.

In each genre, the reader will find something new and interesting for himself. These best novels will help you think about a lot, allow you to dream and just give pleasure. A wonderful way to relax is to read one of the books on this list, which is so necessary for a modern person in the age of stress.


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