Mascarpone dessert: a gift from Italian chefs. Amazing homemade mascarpone desserts recipes


Mascarpone is a cream cheese born in Italy. It can also be used as an ordinary bread spread, but it is better to cook wonderful and interesting dishes, including desserts.

They are varied and always delicious. Recipes for making desserts with mascarpone are both quite complex and time-consuming, and very simple.

But the main advantage of all dishes is its amazingly airy and delicate taste.

Mascarpone dessert - general principles of preparation

Mascarpone cheese - the main component of desserts. You can buy it, or cook it yourself.

In order for home mascarpone to be no worse than purchased, you need to use cream with a fat content of at least 33%.

A variety of fruits are added to desserts. They can be fresh or frozen (depending on the season).

To prepare a tiramisu dessert, savoyardi biscuit cookies are used. It can also be bought or baked at home. Or replace the domestic "ladies fingers."

Shortbread cookies are also added to the dessert, preferably chocolate.

Compound recipes are chicken eggs. Since they are mainly used in raw form, they must be washed in hot water with soda.

It is advisable to put the yolks for a few minutes in the refrigerator.

We use natural coffee beans. Using a coffee grinder, grind it and cook it in any way.

Mandatory tools are: whisk, blender, mixer.

1. Dessert with mascarpone Tiramisu

The famous dessert is airy, gentle and very pleasant to the taste.

Lift me up — that is what this name means.


Five eggs.

0.500 kg of mascarpone cheese.

0.400 kg of savoyard biscuits.

0.250 L of cream 33%.

0.175 kg of powdered sugar.

0.400 l of brewed natural coffee.

0.100 kg of cocoa powder.

A pinch of salt.

Mint leaves.

Cooking method:

Separate the yolk from the egg white and put it in the fridge.

After two minutes, pour the icing sugar in cold yolks. Beater whisk and achieve complete dissolution of the powder.

We turn the cream into a thick mass with a blender, not forgetting to salt a little.

In the dishes with raw mascarpone, place the yolks and mix with a wooden spatula. Cream is added after the mass becomes completely homogeneous. They are laid gradually in small portions.

Brew coffee. Let it cool. Cookies immersed in coffee for two seconds. Then lay it on the prepared form. Gently cover the top with a ball of cream and level it.

Cookies laid out in three layers. On top, you can not equalize the cream, but decorate it with a culinary syringe. Leave the form in the refrigerator for at least fifteen minutes. During this time, the cream soaks the cookies.

Sprinkle with cocoa powder just before serving. Garnish with a mint leaf.

You can additionally crush with grated chocolate.

2. Dessert with mascarpone "Liquid Tiramisu"

The dessert with rum is fragrant, airy and very piquant. Suitable for an evening together


50 ml of rum.

150 grams of cream 33%.

150 grams of brewed black coffee.

Three teaspoons mascarpone cheese.

Three ice cubes.

Two pieces. Savoyardi cookies.

Cocoa powder.


Cooking method:

Make coffee in any way. Let it cool to a warm state.

Put cookies in a plastic bag and crumble with a rolling pin.

In a blender, mix cream, pieces of ice and coffee. Add cheese and rum. Turn on the blender for another couple of minutes.

Transfer the mixture to the bowl and sprinkle with cookies.

Trout cocoa and garnish with raspberries.

3. Dessert with mascarpone strawberry-banana

Prepares quickly and is suitable for the holiday table. No doubt the guests will like it with its sweet and sour taste.


0.200 kg of mascarpone cheese.

Two spoons of art. 10% cream.

Four Art. tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Fresh or frozen strawberries.

One banana.

50 grams of cookies.


Cooking method:

Put the cheese in a cup and beat with a mixer for five minutes.

Add the icing sugar and beat again.

Pour in the cream and continue to work with the mixer for another minute.

Crumbling cookies with a rolling pin.

Banana and strawberries cut into thin slices.

In the dessert dishes we spread in turn: cookies, banana, strawberries. Pour cheese on top.

You should get at least two layers.

The top layer of cheese is well smoothed and sprinkled with grated chocolate.

4. Dessert with mascarpone in the oven

An airy, creamy and vanilla-flavored dessert to enhance any mood


400 grams of mascarpone pastry and cheese.

100 grams of Vologda oil.

Three eggs.

200 milliliters of 20% cream.

140 grams of powdered sugar.


Cooking method:

Cookies put on cling film, cover and chop into crumbs.

Put on top the butter, softened to room temperature, and grind with biscuits.

Transfer the mass into a baking dish and make the sides two centimeters. Put in the refrigerator.

Combine mascarpone with powdered sugar with a whisk.

Gradually add cream to the cheese, not forgetting to mix.

Put eggs in the mass, pour a spoonful of vanilla tea. Stir.

Pour the curd into a mold with a cookie. Wrap the form itself in two layers of foil.

Bake in the oven for 80 minutes (160 degrees).

Put the cooled dessert and leave in the refrigerator for two to three hours.

Serve decorating with your favorite fruit.

5. Coffee mascarpone dessert

Dessert can be prepared for a weekend breakfast and slowly enjoy its coffee and chocolate flavor.


0,400 kg Mascarpone.

Six yolks.

A quarter kilogram of chocolate chip cookies.

On 80 grams of powdered sugar and chocolate liqueur.

100 grams of black coffee.

Cooking method:

Pour sugar powder into the yolks, wait until it is absorbed a little, and begin to whip with a mixer.

Pour the yolk cream into the container with mascarpone and add chocolate liquor. Mix and whisk at low speed.

We dip the cookies for a couple of seconds in cold coffee and transfer to a glass.

Pour over the creamy mass.

Spread cookies and cream in turn until the glass is full.

It must be filled so that cookies are on top. Put in the refrigerator for at least twenty minutes.

6. Dessert with mascarpone "Quick"

The dessert is filled with sweet raspberries and airy cream. Prepares quickly and instantly eaten.


0.200 kg of cream 33%.

250 grams of fermented milk cottage cheese and mascarpone cheese.

Half a raspberry.

0,400 kg sour cream fat.

0,250 kg of granulated sugar.

0,100 kg of almonds planed.

Cooking method:

Whip cream with sugar in the usual way.

Add sour cream, cream cheese, sour-milk cottage cheese and continue to whisk.

Put the dessert in the dishes in layers: first the berries, then the cream.

Sprinkle the top cream layer with almonds and leave in the refrigerator for twenty minutes.

7. Dessert with mascarpone and lemon

The dessert is full of lemon flavor and aroma of almonds. Tiny cakes sprinkled with chocolate will delight at any time of the day


Two eggs.

According to art. a spoonful of icing sugar and butter.

0.200 kg Mascarpone.


Art. spoon of almond flakes and candied lemon.

Two spoons of art. flour.

Cooking method:

Separate the yolks from proteins. Place them in separate cups.

Beat the whites until strong with a mixer. Pour sugar powder and beat a little more.

Put the butter and cheese in the yolks. Mix thoroughly and pour into a large bowl.

Rub the lemon zest on a smaller grater and move it to the cheese mass.

Next, pour flour, almond flakes and candied lemon. Mix.

We spread proteins and gradually again stir everything.

Pour the finished mass into separate silicone molds and bake for about half an hour in the oven (180 degrees).

Chill the finished dessert, put in plates and sprinkle with milk chocolate.

8. Dessert with mascarpone and raspberry liquor

Dessert is more suitable for the completion of dinner. It contains very little strong alcohol. Raspberries soaked in sweet vodka, savoyardi and mascarpone cream will no doubt please


100 grams of powdered sugar.

Vodka - 50 ml.

Raspberry half a kilogram.

Three eggs.

Cream fat - 100 grams.

250 grams of mascarpone cheese.

A few pieces of savoyard biscuits.

Cooking method:

Half of powdered sugar generously pour vodka. Leave for a few minutes to completely dissolve the powder.

Separate the yolks from the proteins and put them in different dishes.

Beat the protein in the usual way.

Wash raspberries, remove water and fill with a vodka solution.

Beat the yolks, add the rest of the icing sugar and continue to work until the whitening of the mass.

Beat chilled cream.

Pour the yolk mass into a large bowl and shift the mascarpone. Mix and lightly whisk.

We first add whipped cream, then - proteins. After each new ingredient, mix the mass.

First, put a few lounges of cream in the bowl, then cookies. If it is long - break in half. Get several layers.

Sprinkle generously on top with raspberries soaked in sweet vodka.

9. Dessert with mascarpone nut-chocolate

When we prepare dessert for children, liquor from the recipe must be removed. Without Bailey's, the dish will be no less tasty


500 grams of mascarpone cheese.

400 grams of cookies "Lady Fingers."

¾ cup powdered sugar.

Six eggs.

Ground nuts - 50 grams.

300 ml of brewed coffee.

Two spoons of art. liqueur "Baileys".

50 grams of white and black chocolate.

Two spoons of art. cocoa.

Cooking method:

Melt the chocolate and move it into the mascarpone dish. Chocolate should be warm. Mix, get a lot of light coffee color.

Separate the yolks from the proteins and beat each individually in the usual way. In the yolks do not forget to add powdered sugar.

Mix cheese and whipped yolks. Spread the squirrels on top and mix carefully, as it should.

Add the liqueur in the coffee and mix.

Put a little cream in a portion glass. Put cookies on top. But before that, you need to dip it in coffee with liqueur.

Next - a spoonful of cream and cookies on top. Sprinkle with chopped nuts, put two tablespoons of cream.

We continue to spread in the same order until the glass is filled. There should be a thick layer of cream on top.

Cover the cups with cling film and leave in the refrigerator for two hours.

Before serving, sprinkle with cocoa powder (through a sieve).

Mascarpone dessert - tricks and tips

  • If we cook the mascarpone on our own, then pour the cream into a cold dish.

  • In order for the tiramisu dessert to be dense and not break up, the cheese must also be cold.

  • Squirrels better beat with a blender. He will make them magnificent.

  • In whites when whipping does not hurt to add a pinch of salt. She will help to complete the process faster.

  • Whipped squirrels should be so thick that when turning the dishes where they are, not a drop will fall out.

  • The speed of protein beating should be increased gradually.

  • It is advisable to beat the yolks with a whisk. They are brought to the desired density if a knife can hold a furrow.

  • Proteins recommend whipping in one direction so as not to destroy air bubbles.

  • For a suitable impregnation of cookies in coffee, it is enough to dip it there for two seconds. Coffee should be at room temperature or slightly warm.

  • Desserts are best prepared with powdered sugar - it dissolves faster than sugar.


Watch the video: Top 10 Recipes for Traditional Italian Desserts (June 2024).