How to quit drinking at home are the most effective ways. Is it possible to stop drinking yourself without the help of a doctor?


Alcohol is evil, and today almost everyone knows about it.

But according to statistics, many still suffer from this addiction.

And the point is not that alcohol negatively affects health, but that the person who uses it later turns into an asocial element.

Life does not become as interesting and eventful as before, and the previous dose of alcohol is gradually replacing past joys.

Stop drinking at home: is it possible?

Sometimes it seems almost impossible. But in reality, this is far from the case. If you really want to give up alcohol, and you need to get the necessary support, then no matter how strong your dependence is, and no matter how helpless you are, it is still possible to recover. Do not wait for the moment when you will be at the bottom, start to take any action now.

It is very important that close and dear people support. After all, first of all, you need to believe in yourself, that you can cope with the disease on your own. If a person suffering from alcohol addiction is near you, do not try to teach him, read notations, this will not lead to anything good. In most cases, such moralizing ends with the person drinking again, trying to hide from a series of problems and troubles. Be patient, and together you can overcome all difficulties.

The main condition under which you can stop drinking at home is the duration of the binge. If you are in it for more than one or two weeks, then you can hardly manage it yourself, without the participation of doctors. In this article you will find answers to questions about how to stop drinking at home and return to your previous lifestyle.

How to quit drinking at home: medicines

In order to cleanse your body of alcohol residues on your own, you can use activated charcoal, folic acid, Enterosgel. All these drugs can be bought at the pharmacy, a special doctor’s prescription is not required for this. Experts recommend putting enemas, as well as drinking diuretic drugs.

It is possible that you will have insomnia, lower or increase pressure, tingling will be felt in the area of ​​the heart. You can remove all these symptoms with regular painkillers.

There are other means, they are called "easy coding." These include drugs that stop the effect of the pleasure of drinking alcohol - Diazep, Lorazepam, Finlepsin. After their use, the negative consequences of drinking alcohol will remain, but the person will not experience the same euphoria and pleasure. As a result, the patient must form negative emotional associations with drinking. So, the addiction to the use of beer and other drinks will gradually decrease.

There are also disadvantages to drugs, unfortunately, their effect is not long-term, which means that you need to look for other ways to combat alcohol at home.

How to stop drinking at home: lifestyle, diet

It’s really possible to quit drinking at home, but it’s quite stressful for the body. There are many cases when a person in a state of intoxication, said to himself "that's enough," and it started to work. But after some time, his condition worsened so much that the doctors barely had time to save his life. So the question arises, why in order to stop drinking, you must wait for a critical moment in the body?

In order to give up alcohol, you need not only to drink medicine, but also to lead a correct lifestyle, as well as eat right.

All basic rules are presented below:

1. If you want to drink a stack, stop, take a few deep breaths. In this case, begin to pronounce the following phrases aloud - "I quit drinking, I will never drink again."

2. Take a shower twice a day, while you do not need to spare water, it is better if it is cool.

3. Between meals, you need to drink up to 10 glasses of water.

4. After eating, try to go out into the fresh air. But in no case, do not try again to go to the old company, where you will be asked to drink. Try to think of something good.

5. If there is an acute desire to drink, immediately go to the shower, this will calm your nerves, and the desire will disappear for a while.

6. In no case do not eat salty and spicy food, this will provoke a desire to drink beer.

7. Eat vegetables and fruits in unlimited quantities; the body needs vitamins more than ever.

8. Try to drink vitamins daily.

9. It is important not to succumb to depression; watch funny programs and films.

How diet helps

Why, when an alcoholic goes to the doctor, does he always give him a lot of advice about nutrition? There are even brochures where two points are indicated, what you can eat, and what is better to refrain from. The thing is that many products can cause a state of euphoria. For example, coffee, sweet or salty. According to statistics, vegetarians have less cravings for alcohol and smoking than ordinary people. Therefore, you need to try to limit yourself in animal products.

Useful Tips for Quitters

Cleanse your body of all the poisons accumulated in it. The body itself will excrete them for too long, because the liver responsible for this process has suffered greatly. After cleansing, you will feel that your condition has improved.

Remove or destroy all attachment reminders. There should not be a drop of alcohol in the house, and it must be thrown away, not hidden. Try not to chat with former friends "drinking buddies."

Learn to say solid no so that no one can doubt your word. Find an interesting activity for yourself, visit sports sections, a pool. You should have as less free time.

Relations with the family are important, they must be trusting.

How to quit drinking at home: folk methods

Recipes of traditional medicine to combat alcohol seem to exist from the first day, when the first alcoholic beverage was prepared. Naturally, our ancestors were also familiar with alcohol. Some of them used it, and someone fought with it. This is happening in our time.

Therefore, if you have a question, how to stop drinking at home, you can safely turn to traditional medicine recipes. But it is worth saying that at different stages of addiction, the effect of tinctures and everything else works differently. Therefore, a hundred percent popular way to combat alcohol, of course not.

Herbal harvest

To prepare it, you need to take the following ingredients: 20 grams of St. John's wort, wormwood, yarrow. 10 grams each - thyme, angelica. 15 grams - peppermint. 5 grams each - juniper. Mix everything in one bowl and grind thoroughly. Separate one tablespoon of herbs and pour one glass of boiling water. Let it stand for 10-15 minutes, then strain and drink. For 10 days, several times a day, drink one glass of tincture, then take a break of five days, and drink again 10 days. In total, you need to be treated for 2-3 months. If you believe our ancestors, then after this craving for alcohol will disappear forever.

Alcohol Tincture

Take two bay leaves and one teaspoon of the root lovage, Pour it all with one glass of vodka and let it brew for exactly two weeks. Then strain and drink. Alcohol will cause you a feeling of disgust, not only taste but also smell.

Mushroom dung beetle

The effect of the fungus is really good, many still use this remedy. If you eat this mushroom, and then drink alcohol, severe vomiting occurs. You should eat the mushroom several times, after that there will be no trace of the desire to drink. For health, the mushroom is completely safe.


Boil crayfish, separate their shells and finely chop, preferably to a powdery state. Every day, take half a teaspoon of the powder and add to the food. The effect will become noticeable immediately after taking alcohol - it will begin to vomit and vomit. You need to add it to food until a final aversion to alcohol occurs.

How to quit drinking at home: causes of failure

The first reason it’s hard to stop drinking is because the body is addicted to alcohol. Without it, a person feels bad, he has depression, nervous breakdowns, almost all organs begin to suffer.

It is important that loved ones give a helping hand. If an alcoholic does not feel support, he breaks down, believing that no one needs him.

You can get rid of alcohol addiction only when all actions are thought out and decisive.

The drinker must be aware that he really has a craving for alcohol, and if he decides to tie it, this will be the first leap to recovery.

Wherever you are, on a holiday, birthday, and so on, there must always be a law on the adoption of alcohol. The first time will be very difficult. The body will undergo major changes, because he must learn to live without alcohol. Health will be much better, and family relationships, especially.

You always need to remember how difficult it is to start a new day, and to set yourself up for the fact that tomorrow will be much easier. If an alcoholic does not want to exchange everything that he has for a company of friends, then he will certainly begin to act and achieve the desired result.

Now you know how to quit drinking at home, it is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing that is required for this is desire and perseverance.


Watch the video: QUITTING ALCOHOL. 8 Things That Happened When I Stopped Drinking (June 2024).