What does the operation dream about: on the stomach and other places? Basic Interpretations: What is the dream of the operation of others or at home


Dreams often come to us suddenly and bring with them a variety of events from the past and predictions for the future. But how to interpret what dreams want to tell us? For example, why is the operation dreaming? It’s worth sorting out.

What the operation dreams about - basic interpretation

Many do not like trips to doctors and are afraid of any medical manipulations, not to mention how much surgery causes people to panic and nervous exhaustion. But not only in reality the operation can lead to nervousness, dreams, in which you have surgery, can also cause indignation and confusion.

Dream Interpretations advise not to take such dreams literally, because, most likely, you just got tired physically and you don’t have enough rest. Your body asks you for help. Remember, have you recently experienced stress, have you had to go to medical institutions, perhaps you had to take care of the health of someone close to you, and you took this quite seriously?

If at least one of these events in your life did happen, then you should think not about the danger of the upcoming operation, but about the state of your mental health. Perhaps you need peace and you have long dreamed about how to relax - allow yourself this. It is important to remember all the details of a dream in order to fully interpret it.

If someone accompanied you to the hospital before the operation, you can rely on this person in the future. He will always render you all possible assistance; you can count on support even in the most serious matter.

It is worth remembering which organ you had to undergo the operation on. If this is the heart - be sure to resolve all conflicts with your soulmate, do not insist on any clarification of the relationship. Such a dream may indicate that it is high time you set priorities and discuss all issues that concern you. You for some reason put it off the bat, and now it's time to act. You should not expect from your partner a complete understanding of the situation immediately. Perhaps he will need time to sort out his feelings.

Why dream operation on Miller’s dream book

Miller’s dream book says that you should not be afraid of dreams in which you have surgery. They are often not interpreted literally and have a slightly different meaning. Why is a pregnant woman having surgery on her stomach? Such a dream can portend her troubles and problems, which she can solve on her own, but after some time. If a pregnant woman dreams that she is oozing blood after surgery - she should be very careful about her health in the following days.

If a young couple dreams that one of them underwent surgery, and he is undergoing rehabilitation, then they have a very difficult period in their relationship, and it will take a long time to worry. The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that the couple was not ready for the trials of fate and is now quite difficult to perceive everything that happens to them. What should be done in this situation? Prepare yourself in advance for possible changes in fate and its turns.

If you dream that during the operation you fall into a coma - you have a long period of life, filled with errors and losses. You already see that the ridge is not an easy time, but there is nothing you can do about it.

Why dream operation on Freud's dream book

The operation on Freud's dream book is dreaming of global changes in your personal life, which will make you look in a new way not only at the existing relationship, but also at your personal life as a whole. It is important to remember that no matter what you do in a dream to restore health, in reality you will have to work just as hard to restore relationships.

If a young unmarried girl dreams of an operation on her stomach, she should think about the fact that she will not have children in the near future precisely because of the wrong choice of partner. She opts for those men who do not appreciate her uniqueness and do not give her due attention. In the future, you should not step over your principles, and allow yourself to be openly manipulated.

If a man dreams that he acts as a surgeon, he actually lacks not only female attention, but also friendly communication with women. He needs mutual understanding and support precisely from the weaker sex. It is women's affection and love that can push him to great things.

What does the operation for other dream books dream about?

What is the dream of doing the operation? In the autumn dream book it is said that such a dream portends serious health problems to you. In the summer dream book, it is said that if you dream about how you are doing the operation or others are doing it to you, someone will brazenly intrude into your affairs and you will have to postpone their decision until better times.

In the modern dream book it is said what dreams are about, that they are doing the operation - such a dream speaks about the need to make a responsible decision. It will also be very difficult. But in the end, you will be able to fulfill all the obligations that you have entrusted to yourself.

• If it appears to you in a dream how you personally perform the operation or become an assistant during it, you will successfully complete all the work that has begun;

• Do the operation with a laser beam - you are not an independent person in life and are not able to make informed decisions;

• If you are sick and dream that you are on the operating table - you will soon defeat the disease and be able to live a full life;

• To see in a dream how an organ is being implanted - your affairs will be completed successfully, there is very little left up to this point;

• If you see that some organ is being implanted - you will have difficult times, and precisely because you are mentally unprepared for problems - they will seem very difficult for you.

In the spring dream book it is said that to perform an operation in a dream is to evil, which lies in the heart of a loved one. The wanderer’s dream book says that to be on the operating table yourself - such a dream portends recovery and better health. If you dream of a scalpel - your relationship will be broken, but for the good of two.

In the dream book, Hasse says that to see an operation in a dream - you need to show maximum patience and then you will get everything. If you dream that you are being operated on, you will gain health very soon.

The esoteric dream book says that the operation is dreaming of rebuilding your body at a subtle level. Also, such a dream may say that the ability to clairvoyance and clairaudience should open in you. If you dream that you are personally operating someone - you are too actively interfering in the life of another person. What is the operation on the stomach for? Such a dream says that your inner experiences prevent you from building your life here and now. It is necessary to reject fears and actively engage in career advancement and the advancement of one’s life.

In the dream book of Medea it is said that the operation in a dream is a symbol of the fact that someone is encroaching on your rights, on your property, movable and immovable. If in a dream you yourself became a surgeon - you yourself are the master of the situation and all responsibility for completing the matter lies with you. If you experience surgery in a dream, you will gain spiritual freedom after a long period of stagnation and difficult moments. If you see someone’s operation or do it yourself - you have to manage your affairs and all life situations just as you yourself want it, you don’t need to give importance to the opinions and desires of others.

In the dream book of Kananita it is said that in a dream, being operated on is a recovery. Your body gives you a signal that a way out of the situation has been found and soon you will be able to restore your former strength. In Tsvetkov’s dream book it is said that to see how you are being operated on is a favorable dream and promises changes for the better. There is no need to fear for your health, as well as for the future as a whole.

If you had an operation in a dream - you should carefully look at all even the small details of sleep. Perhaps you will see in the role of your friends being operated on - such a dream indicates the need for your feasible help to precisely these people. It is important to remember the emotions during a dream and after sleep. Perhaps you were scared and depressed - then minor problems will soon excite your life. Perhaps, on the contrary, you were too cheerful, despite the plot of the dream - then all problems would be successfully resolved, no matter what.


Watch the video: Dream Interpretation According to the Bible (June 2024).