Tomato seedlings dry - reasons, what to do, how to properly water. Ways to treat drying tomato seedlings


Tomatoes are one of the most common vegetables on our table. In the kitchen of any nationality there are dishes in which there are tomatoes.

To obtain a large number of tomatoes, each operation is important during their cultivation, from sowing seeds to harvesting.

In violation of the rules of cultivation, gardeners have trouble - wilting plant leaves, the appearance and development of pests.

Why do tomato seedlings dry - reasons

Do not forget that you can not very often pour small doses of tomato seedlings in small doses, this should be done only when the soil dries, but water abundantly. Watering is best done 2 times a week. If you follow the basic rules of growing tomatoes, then they quickly take root, grow well and bring a big harvest.

For what reason does tomato seedlings dry and what to do will help a simple analysis:

1. First of all, you need to analyze the watering of seedlings. If there is little or too much moisture, then the leaves begin to fade and turn yellow. This can be caused by improper soil composition (too light soil, which is not able to retain moisture, or very heavy soil without drainage) You can eliminate this problem of waterlogging or lack of moisture by transplanting plants into another soil mixture;

2. It is necessary to analyze the amount of nutrients available for seedlings. During the growth and development of seedlings, she needs a lot of organic and mineral elements;

3. In addition, the development of pathogens in the soil can affect the leaves. Individual insects eating greens can also be the cause of adversity. Once the cause is found, efforts must be made to resolve the problem.

If the tips of the leaves begin to dry out in seedlings, then this is very bad.

Tomatoes will grow well if the soil has a moisture content of 85-90%, you can determine it if you take a lump of earth into a handful and squeeze it. If the lump remains, but when pressed, the moisture is suitable for tomatoes. If the soil crumbles then there is not enough moisture, if the earth sticks together in a dense lump, then the soil is too wet.

It is necessary to properly water tomato seedlings in the first half of the day, previously defended with water. You can not wet the stem and leaves of plants, it is more convenient to water directly under the root from a small watering can.

After planting in a permanent place, tomato seedlings often do not need to be watered, but the soil must be moistened well when watering. Poor watering harms this crop, it will not have enough moisture. Frequent and abundant watering will also not bring benefits, water will lower the temperature of the soil, which will worsen fruit set.

Rooted seedlings of tomatoes need to be watered as follows:

• During the formation of the ovaries, the soil should be moist so that the seedlings have enough moisture;

• From the opening of inflorescences to the formation of fruits, it is necessary to maintain moderate humidity;

• In the hot period, you need to water the plants in the morning and before sunset;

• On cloudy days you need to water the tomatoes at any time.

Timely correction of deficiencies will allow seedlings to grow new foliage and gain strength again. In order to eliminate the source of problems in time, you need to constantly monitor the growth of seedlings and quickly respond to only emerging problems.

The reason may be:

• Dry air. Senti tomatoes love the air of normal humidity. This problem can be corrected by spraying plants. Using a spray gun, you can turn water into dust, gently settling on the leaves;

• Salinity of the soil. The surface of the soil in boxes with seedlings can be covered with white coating, this indicates that a lot of salts have accumulated in the soil, which at a high concentration prevents the plant from absorbing nutrients from the soil solution. This deficiency can be eliminated by completely replacing the soil or (with a slight salinity) by removing the topsoil in the pot;

• Lack of potassium. With a lack of potassium, the tips of seedlings may also turn yellow. This can be corrected by feeding plants with infusion of ash;

• Lack of moisture. It can cause the death of the roots, as a result, the green mass of the plant dries, after which the whole plant dies. In this case, you need to regularly water the seedlings;

• Excessive moisture. It also harms the roots. With excessive watering, the roots receive little air and begin to rot, if this process has begun, then saving the plant is almost impossible.

Often, white spots appear in tomato seedlings, after which the leaves begin to dry and crumble. This happens with the following problems:

1. Sunburn. On the leaves, spots appear on the plants, developing with a lack of light. In this case, it is necessary to fix the problem, but the seedlings are not yet accustomed to normal lighting, cover from direct rays with parchment and feed Epin.

2. Septoria disease. This disease is difficult to cure, spreads through the soil. For this reason, preventive measures are taken; before sowing the seeds, the soil must be warmed up for 2 hours at a temperature of 90 degrees;

3. Sunburn. Another reason for the appearance of white spots on the leaves. They appear on the leaves under strong streams of sunlight. It is better to cover seedlings from the sun or transfer to a small shadow.

Sometimes tomato seedlings dry after picking seedlings, this occurs when the roots are damaged. Or you dived seedlings very early.

Saving Wilting Plants - Diseases and Pests

Sometimes leaf blades begin to dry near tomato seedlings after transplanting to a permanent place. In this case, it is necessary to carefully examine diseased plants. Most often, drying begins due to the stress that the plant received during transplantation. After some time, the seedlings will get used to the new conditions and begin to develop again. But plants are often harmed by various diseases and pests.

Among the main diseases of tomatoes, the most common are:

• Fusarium wilting - leads to the drying of the plant, the diseased plant looks as if it has been growing for a long time without watering;

• Brown spotting - brown spots appear on the lower leaves, over time they darken, spread over the leaf blade, which dries out;

• Septoria - on the leaves dirty white areas with a darker border become noticeable;

• Late blight - on tomato bushes, leaves curl and dry out.

It is not easy to cure diseased tomato seedlings, for this reason it is necessary to prevent the appearance of fungal diseases. Infection affects plants in warm weather at high humidity, for this reason, as a preventive measure, it is necessary to constantly regulate air humidity. These diseases spread through the soil, to prevent infection of healthy plants, you need to properly process the soil mixture before sowing.

To prevent infection of tomato seedlings with late blight, they can be treated with Hom and Oxychom compounds. But they can be used only until the ovary appears on the bushes. For bushes on which ovaries appeared, the drug Fitosporin is used.
