Growing soybeans on a site near the house is real! Choosing the right soybean variety, sowing methods and subsequent care


Soybean is a bushy annual crop up to 100 cm tall.

To grow it on a site near the house, with proper care it will not be difficult.

With this plant you can improve the soil in the garden.

Nodule bacteria, on its roots, accumulate nitrogen from the atmosphere and translate it into a mineral form, which is suitable for plant nutrition.

This is an excellent predecessor, after which other crops grow well, soy is drought-resistant, a well-developed root system supplies the plant with moisture, and pubescent leaves protect it from air drought.

But still maximum yield can only be obtained with optimal moisture supply. Soybean grows better in a nutritious and well-drained, well-lit area.

Soybean cultivation. The choice of planting material, seeds

Choosing the variety suitable for your region is the most important of the conditions for growing a worthy crop. It is advisable to choose 2-3 varieties differing in the duration of the growing season, resistance to pests and diseases.

Arcadia Odessa

One of the varieties with the highest protein content in our country, an early ripening, growing season lasts 105-115 days. This soybean variety produces more other beans and green mass. The seeds of the plant are yellow, oval, the weight of 1 thousand pieces is about 160-190 g. Sowing is done with a row spacing of 45 cm, 60 seeds are consumed per 1 m2.

Odessa 124

Derived by irradiation of seed material of the variety Peremoga with gamma rays. The main advantage of this variety is its responsiveness to the use of intensive farming and increased resistance to drought. Plants of high growth, with purple flowers, the vegetative period of 107 days.


The variety is valuable for its early maturity, which makes it possible to grow it in many regions of the country. It ripens 8–9 days earlier than the most common varieties; the yield is stable in any year. The variety is resistant to viral, bacterial and most fungal diseases.

Black brown

The variety was bred as a result of multiple selection of the Manchurian and L 89-10 populations. In addition to high productivity, it is resistant during germination and at the beginning of growth to cold, during the generative period it resists drought well. The vegetation period is 119 days, without irrigation, the plants surpassed many varieties in yield. In the steppe, you can start harvesting in August, so that it is guaranteed that you can sow winter wheat. The seeds are small, which makes it possible to reduce the number of seeds for sowing.


High-yielding variety, the growing season lasts for 117 days. The seeds are large, the weight of 1 thousand pieces is 177.3 g, plants of high growth up to 80 cm, resistant to shedding and lodging. Mariyana variety is characterized by high ability to bind nitrogen from the air, oily seeds, oil content up to 26.2%.

Soybean cultivation. Sowing and planting (dates, top dressing, shelter, temperature, soil, etc.)

Soybean is sown in well-moistened areas with a small amount of weeds - after growing corn for greens or silage, spring and winter grains, and after perennial or annual grasses. Crops that carry a large amount of moisture from the soil (Sudanese, sorghum, corn for grain, beets and sunflowers) are not suitable for soybean without watering. You do not need to sow it next to legumes or legumes, these plants have many identical diseases and pests.

Sowing begins after the soil warms up to 9-10 degrees. In cold and too moist soil, the seeds do not germinate for a long time, they sow this crop after corn and winter crops. It should be borne in mind that with rapid heating of the soil, it is fashionable to start sowing at a soil temperature of 6-8 degrees.

Of great importance seedling protection soybeans from spring frosts, they will instantly destroy her. The optimal sowing time can be defined as follows: from the possible freezing in your region you need to subtract 7 days, the received date will be the most suitable sowing time. Until this time, sowing is very risky. It is important not to forget about the temperature of the soil: if the timing of sowing is suitable, but the soil has not yet warmed up, then sowing should not be started. The grain will lie in the soil for a long time, at this time the threat of seed infection with pests and diseases increases.

Soya dicotyledonous culture, during germination, the sprout should carry cotyledons to the soil surface, as a result, this culture reacts strongly to sowing depth. It is important not to deepen them too much, optimally immerse the seeds 3-5 cm, maximum 6 cm. The seeds are deeper touched, you may either not see the seedlings at all, or they will be very rare, affected by various diseases. During germination, the main thing is to save moisture accumulated in winter at a depth of 3-4 cm. The best way to preserve moisture is to gently loosen the area. It is very good if the soil is covered with mulch.

Late cultivars are sown first, and early varieties are sown last. The earliest plants are sown with aisles of 15-30 cm, and 30-45 cm are mid-ripening, late-ripening plants are planted with aisles of 40-60 cm.

Sowing is carried out using pickled and treated rhizotorfin seeds (a preparation of nodule bacteria).

The method of calculating the number of seeds for sowing HB = G * M / P; P = C * H / 100; Where:

1. HB - the number of seeds for sowing, kg / ha;

2. G - density, million units. / ha;

3. H - purity,%

4. C - germination, in%;

5. P - sowing shelf life, in%;

6. M - weight of 1 thousand seeds, g.

Soybean cultivation. Care, dressing

The site for soybean sowing, you must first prepare fertilize in the fall, peel the soil 8-10 cm deep. If before that corn was growing on the plot, then after fertilizing the soil, the bed is dug up 25-30 cm deep, if it is cereal, then the depth is 22-25 cm. After the snow has melted and the soil has dried, the plot is harrowed across the plowed land.

the main objective soil preparation - save moisture and destroy weed seedlings. If the site did not level out in the autumn, and if there are a lot of weeds on it, then in the spring a site of 6-8 cm is cultivated and the soil is rolled. This makes it possible to increase the temperature of the upper layer by 2-3 degrees, due to which weed seeds begin to sprout and they are then easier to destroy. The sowing bed should be without lumps and very even - in soybeans, the beans grow low, and the uneven surface of the plot makes it difficult to harvest.

To create 1 kg of seeds, 25 g of potassium, 40 g of phosphorus and 90 g of nitrogen are removed from the soil by a soybean bush. Soil fertilizer complex fertilizer N30-45, P60-90, K45-60 together with the introduction of manure (2-2.5 kg per hundred square meters) significantly increases the yield of plants. It is impossible to get a good soybean crop without using nitrogen fertilizing. The introduction of ammophos directly into the rows during the sowing of the crop is effective (at the rate of 4-5 g per hundredth). Plants are responsive to feeding with boron and molybdenum (it is convenient to pre-treat the seeds simultaneously with inoculation with rhizotorfin).

In the soil on the site should be as many nodule bacteria as possible. This can be achieved using the inoculation method. The site where soybean grew last season already has the required number of bacteria.

Of great importance is the pH of the soil, the optimum level of acidity is 6.28 pH. If the acidity is less than 5.6, soybean should not be sown in this area without liming. To find out the actual pH level, an analysis must be carried out, preferably with the help of a trusted laboratory.

The plot is treated with soil herbicides, before sowingusing harrows to seal them. If rhizome weeds grow on the plot, then treatment should not be done before sowing seeds, it is better to wait until the green grass grows to 10-15 cm, then process the bed and sow soybeans.

In most regions, soybean is sown in the end of April. The sowing density of soybean seeds is 35-40 pieces per m2, with a row spacing of 40-60 cm, if the distance between the rows is greater, then 10-20% more soybean seeds are sown.

When the first seedlings appear, you need to regularly loosen the aisles and destroy the weeds. After the formation of 5-6 leaves, the plants throw flowers, at this time, on the site with soybeans, it is necessary to fill up the nitrophosk in the soil and water the bed abundantly. Harvest must be removed after leaves begin to crumble on the bushes and a gray tint appears on the beans. Before digging the bed, the stems are torn out, and the fallen leaves are buried in the ground for over-ripening. The beans are dried before threshing in the sun, at this time they open and partially hatch, after which they are finally threshed, sifted and laid for storage.

Farmers were convinced from their own experience that it was not difficult to plant and grow soybeans. Harder to harvest grown beans, you need them remove in a short time (individual varieties begin to crack and crumble in 3-5 days).

Soybean cultivation. The main pests and ways to combat them

There are several large groups of soybean pests that are subdivided according to damage and periods of soybean development:

1. Pests of seedlings and sprouts;

2. Pests of certain parts of the culture;

3. Pests of young (emerging) seeds;

4. Pests of seeds in storage.

For many insects, division by such parameters is arbitrary.

Sprout fly. Larva 4-5 mm long, off-white or yellowish, expanding from the back. In the soil, it bites into the seeds, which causes a large loss of seedlings (loss of 20%). After a short time, the larva eats cotyledons, a stalk and a growth point, creating passages under the skin. It is recommended to sow the seeds shallow in moist soil, and add hexachloran to the pre-sowing fertilizer.

Soy beetle. Small beetle, 5-6 mm long, yellow larvae with dark spots, can grow up to 10 mm. This pest is very dangerous for soybean seedlings, the larvae gnaw cotyledons, and eat deep grooves on the stems. Soya leaf beetle is very harmful to soybean crops in areas located near the forest.

Soya flea. Small bugs about 3 mm long, yellow on their wings, 2 dark dashes are noticeable. A flea gnaws at the cotyledons of young shoots, eats the stem, growth point and the first leaves. Damage is visible very well - small round holes on the leaves and damage on the stems. In summer, the pest gnaws a hole in the beans and eats seeds.

Nodule weevil. Beetles are brown in color, 3.5-4.5 mm long, with a thick and short head. Almost all legumes eat cotyledons, and the first leaves, the activity of the pest is significantly enhanced in warm weather. Heavily damaged plants, significantly lagging behind in growth. White larvae without legs eat up nodules on the roots, reducing the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. Beetles wait the winter in the arable layer and under plant debris. The struggle consists in the destruction of beetles, in addition to agricultural techniques, insecticides are used for this, and the placement of soybean crops in the distance from the crops of leguminous perennials, since in these places the pest can wait the winter.

Wireworms. Nutcracker beetle larvae, their body is yellow in color up to 25 mm long. The pest makes moves in the stems and swollen seeds. Characteristic is the gnawing of the stalk near the root. Damaged seeds do not germinate and rot, damaged seedlings die. In wide-row crops, plants are much less damaged by the pest. To destroy the wireworm, phosphorite flour with 25% hexachlorane is introduced into the soil. It is advisable to treat the seed with 12% hexachlorane; plowing on the winter is positively affected.

Upsilon scoop. Large caterpillars, gray in color, 50 mm long, the pest gnaws young seedlings, later only bite leaves. In the daytime, the pest is in the soil under the plant. The pest damages cabbage, sunflower, tobacco, and beets, in addition to soy.

Red-headed. Black bugs, with soft elytra and red head, they eat cotyledons, gnaw stems, and destroy shoots. Beetles, in addition, completely eat leaves, eat flowers and small twigs.


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