Carmen Electra - biography, career, personal life, interesting facts, news


Tara Lee Patrick, known to everyone as an actress, singer, model, dancer Carmen Electra, was born on April 20, 1972 in the city of Sharonville (Ohio). Her father Harry was a guitarist, and her mother a singer, so Carmen was familiar from the world of show business from an early age. Carmen grew up as the youngest child in a large family, she has two brothers and three sisters. When she was nine years old, her parents saw her daughter’s talent and sent her to the School of Arts, where she studied vocal and dance. From the age of 10, Carmen dreamed of Broadway, but for many years of study she was so tired of musicals that immediately after graduation, she packed up and went to build her career in the heart of Los Angeles show business.

Carmen Electra is the beginning of a stellar career.

After a few auditions, Carmen Electra is accepted into the youth rap group with which she performs in America's nightclubs. One day, during one of the performances in the club, Carmen meets the most popular pop singer Prince, who, seeing the girl’s talent and excellent external data, offers her the position of backing vocalist in her team. It is after the Prince once said that she is very similar to Carmen, Tara decides to change her name and Becomes Carmen Electra (Electra is in honor of the beloved Greek goddess). The prince became “The Godfather” for Carmen in the world of show business and even invited her to record her own solo album, but Carmen's first debut as a singer was unsuccessful. But friendship with the Prince brought the girl great benefits for her career and popularity. She was noticed and the name Carmen Electra periodically appeared in the secular news chronicle. Carmen began to be invited to various television shows, to appear in advertisements, on the covers of glossy magazines, including Playboy. And in 1995, Carmen Electra was invited to host the MTV television show "Singled Out." She looked great on the screen, made some kind of eccentricity in the program, as a result of which the ratings of the show increased at times, and Carmen Electra became recognizable and popular.

Carmen Electra - gaining popularity.

In 1997, the popular leading and chic beauty Carmen Electra was offered to star in the popular TV series “Rescuers Malibu”. Elektra perfectly plays the role of a beautiful woman who came to a big city in search of her happiness and the producers offer the actress a five-year contract. Carmen Electra was well received by the viewer and joined the ranks of Hollywood celebrities.

After working in the series, a lot of offers began to come to the aspiring movie actress Carmen Electra. She starred in the movie “Great Hamburger” in 1997, then roles in the films “Marriage Games of the Earthly Dwellers”, “Scary Movie”, “Starsky and Hutch” followed, and in 2004 Carmen Electra received an offer to star in the sequel to the popular film “ Wholesale cheaper 2 ".

Carmen Electra is not the actress who, having played one role overnight, becomes a movie star. She confidently goes to her highest star peak in Hollywood and believes that her star roles are yet to come.

Carmen Electra - the most significant roles.

For her creative career, Carmen Electra starred in numerous television shows, series and films, among which the most significant role in her career as an actress was played in such films as

- “Rescuers of Malibu” (1997-1998)
- “Soldiers of Fortune” (1998)
- “A very scary movie” (2000)
- "The virus of love" (2001)
- “The daughter of my boss” (2003)
- “A killer couple: Starsky and Hutch” (2004)
- “American Dad!” (2005)
- “Eternal Summer” (2005)
- “Wholesale is cheaper than 2” (2005)
- “Scary Movie 4” (2006)
- “Acquaintance with the Spartans” (2008)
- “The Bachelor Party in New Orleans” (2010).

Carmen Electra - personal life.

The shocking, extraordinary, always surprising luxurious beauty Carmen Electra is a bright person for journalists who are always happy to share juicy details with the public about the personal life of Carmen Electra.

In 2000, Carmen Electra distinguished herself by the fastest marriage. Marrying the famous basketball player Dennis Rodman, a week later Carmen filed for divorce. Carmen is a big fan of parties and is considered one of the sexiest women on the planet. Near her there is always a lot of machos who want to win the heart of an expressive beauty.

Carmen Electra had a short affair with Tommy Lee. Immediately after they broke up, Carmen Electra marries musician Dave Navarro a second time. But their marriage lasted only five years and in 2006 they divorced. Just a year after the divorce, Carmen receives a third marriage proposal from her new boyfriend, musician Rob Patterson. Without hesitation, Carmen Electra agrees for the third time to get married.

Carmen Electra - interesting facts.

  • After Carmen Electra’s mother died of a brain tumor, Carmen organized a charity foundation and today, as part of his work, he helps all patients, especially children suffering from this disease.
  • It is interesting that the famous red swimsuit from the series “Rescuers of Malibu” Carmen Electra still keeps in his house in a frame under glass.
  • As a child, Carmen was quite seriously involved in jujitsu and quite often beat the boys.
  • Carmen Electra released her video exercise package Carmen Electra: Streptis + Aerobics, which has become very popular among women who want to have not only such forms as Carmen, but also have the same grace and sexuality.
  • Carmen Electra is a true fan of plastic procedures.
  • Most recently, Electra acted as a writer and presented to the public her book - "How to Become Sexual."

Carmen Electra - today.

Today, one of the most popular personalities of show business Carmen Electra is quite actively involved in a variety of projects. She leads television shows, starred in commercials, and also takes part in two new movie projects at once. And, of course, Carmen does not forget about his charity work. So, in the spring of this year, as part of the Carmen Electra charity program, together with Sophia Loren and Andy MacDowell, they visited Moscow clinics where cancer patients are being treated.

Carmen Electra is a talented, very beautiful, energetic woman who surprises and captivates with her eccentricity. She wants to try and achieve a lot. And knowing the diverse talent of Carmen Electra, we can confidently say that she has a stunning success and popularity ahead.


Watch the video: Carmen Electra Biography. Unknown Facts, Life & Career. World Famous Peoples (June 2024).